
Monday 26 October 2015

Horus Heresy Plastic kit: Betrayal at Calth confirmed.

So today a shirt video turned up on youtube on the Warhammer channel. A slideshow of pictures from the Horus Heresy artwork series and a brief introduction of the Horus Heresy itself.

But there is something very notable at the end!!! 

Now the video does have the Games Workshop trademark imprinted on the bottom so I can say its safe to say it is genuine :) here is a link to the video so you can check it out for yourself:

Here's hoping it isn't a limited edition!!! No further information I can find as of yet other than this teaser video so everybody keep your eyes peeled!!!

So excited now for this!! What does everyone make of this? Let us know in the comment section below.


Games Workshop have released a page on their White Dwarf section which is their site release of the video. Much excitement!!

Darko Thane


  1. So excited to see the Plastic range!

  2. Unusually for GW, it explicitly states the name of the product, what it is and the release date! Pleasantly surprised by heat! Seriously though, so looking forward to this!

  3. Will get two boxes - should be able to give a pre-release preview at the 12th :)

    1. Will you?! Awesome Lady!!! Waiting with breath abated.

    2. Hehe yeah^^

      will use it to boost some small ZM forces :P

      really excited ^.^

    3. You lucky lucky girl. You deserve it :)
      Send Kaelo a video and / or Photos. Then post it up :)

  4. If GW makes this a limited editions, they are definitely trolling us all. I totally expect it to be limited edition, btw.

    1. Hi. I'm expecting it to be a ltd and standard release. Ltd (special) should have an additional mini. Have heard there are two boxes.
      Shame it's not at Isstvan III first though.

    2. Well, good to hear that!
      Oh, an Isstvan III box would have been super sweet. However, if this Betrayal at Calth box is succesful, I can imagine a release like this each year covering other HH conflicts (Prospero, Thramas Crusade, etc...). It's so easy to dream... xD

  5. Note, it says miniatures game, not board game. Hopefully the rumours of it being a hex based board game are not true.

    1. I'm not a fan of hexes. I know it is more dynamic and probably easier for different base sized minis, but GW are a square company in my opinion.

    2. Hexs work well in heavy gear where directional facing is very important. However, I don't think a gw rule set will have this level of detail.

  6. Hells yes. And so it begins. Soon I may be sending in my legion on parade. So excited.

  7. Oh and :P

    Betrayal is just the begining...

    1. Well that is a big tease. . . . :)

    2. Or is it the tag line on the FW bulletin?

    3. yeah ^^ more stuff in the new year afaik^^

      the hobbit is dead, long life the heresy!

  8. *starts rolling up coins and searching for loose change*

  9. Might be time to actually put up that organ for sale ad......

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm holding my breath to see what exactly we will be getting.
    I already have a lot of plastic crack that needs sticking together so this'll need to be something completely new for me to go buy it. If it's just generic marines, I have enough already. If it's heavily Romano/Greko style then they won't fit with my wolves anyway.
    Dont get me wrong, I am excited but I just might not be rushing out to buy this release straight away

  12. I definitely must finish my Invictarii before this gift from the Emperor is released... <3

  13. Hopefully we will get a good indication of all the plastics GW will release. Already planning on updating all the shoulder pads on my UMs with plastic ones coz the FW ones are pup!

    Maybe we will see sons UM and WB kits from FW at the same time...Ventanus, The F-word terminators etc. Interesting times.

    1. Really, really hoping we start to get Cataphractii shoulder and torso upgrade kits for the legions.

    2. What's wrong with the FW pads?

  14. I'm holding off everything until I know the contents of the box. I heard the mini;s were supposed to be very generic, I'm hoping to kick start a White Scars force.

  15. Atia, when do you think we'll start seeing WD leaks?

    1. around friday at earliest :P

      if we are lucky even sooner :)

    2. I assume you will be lucky?

    3. I assume you will be lucky?

  16. Just need to know, this will mean a price cut from fw stuff?

    1. Hi Carlos. Nope. It will now become that the plastic kits / Betrayal at Calth will become your core collectable. Specialist units (circa >£50) and Primarchs (circa £70) remain as they are. They will become Xmas and Birthday present priced models for the younger generation. It also makes entering 30k a much more reasonable experience (instead of spending £70-£96 on a 10 man tactical squad).
      Hold off from buying Rhino chassis vehicles too as apparently it is rumoured they are getting the plastic benefit next year now.

  17. Any more news on the last item in the pack, the contemptor counter unit?

    1. No not yet. We will have more info up from Lady Atia as soon as she gets it so stayed tuned.

  18. I reckon the "contemptor counter" might be a possessed Dreadnought, a Mhara Ghal. This is speculation on my part, but if it's a Calth themed boxed set that would fit. Kind of flies in the face of the "generic" nature of the rest of the set, though...

    1. Possibly just another contrmptor, maybe a different weapons load out?

    2. I thought the rumours were, termies as the counter to the dread. Though this is super hypothecial at this stage.

  19. Do know if you have seen, FW have bumped their prices...

    1. Did they raise or lower the prices. I can't tell. The legion infantry is only 24£ now. Was it the same or different.

    2. Infantry were £23.50. War hound has gone up by at least a fiver. Story is the same on many models. Glad I got a big order in last week.

  20. Are the contents two distinct sides or could they be used as one force?

    1. Generic models. Can be used as one force.

    2. So far every thing looks generic, but we haven't seen all the rumoured contents. Check out Lady Atia's thread on bolted and chainsword for pictures of the infantry/characters.
