
Monday, 4 January 2016

Forge World Bulletin 04/01/16!!

Hello Bunnies!

Check out the goodies on show in the latest bulletin. I love these new transfers and really can't wait for some of the others

'Throughout human history, people have developed strong loyalties to traditions, rituals, and symbols. In the most effective organizations, they are not only respected but celebrated.' - Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Iron Hands

Solar Auxilia

Death Guard

House Makabius

I, myself, am really looking forward to Legio Tempestus, Legio Praesagius and House Vornherr. Which are you most looking forward to?



  1. 'Throughout human history, people have developed strong loyalties to traditions, rituals, and symbols. In the most effective organizations, they are not only respected but celebrated.' - Rosabeth Moss Kanter
    Greeeeaaat quote
    Yeah +1 House Vyronii please cant finish my IK :P

  2. Legio Tempestus. Just give us Tempestus already, Forgeworld... :-)

  3. Legio Tempestus!!!!!

    Guys, on the knight sheet, those large banners... What are the for? (A large knight maybe?)

  4. Iron Hands! Just in time since I just started my own X Legion!!

  5. Hey bunnies, just a question since I saw Your post about GW 40 birthday and you were told that the red books was being updated, was that just the Istvan or the ''normal'' army list book also? And btw love the work you guys do :)

    1. Good evening brother Ventanus. :)

      Both books are being redone as far as we have been told :) thanks for the kind words and comment. Welcome to the blog :)

  6. Death Guard! I've been waiting on new transfers for a couple of months now.

    1. Me too. Still think I will be sporting the basic ones 90% of the time. Banners are a must though.
