
Saturday, 30 January 2016

Kaelo Rylanus - Ultramarines WIP

Hi Bunnies!

A bit more of a substantial update today :)

Here is a few pictures of my WIP tactical squad. I only have a few details and tidy-ups to do, the bases and then the transfers, chipping and weathering. I want to do the last 4 stages at the same time as the rest of the army for consistency so expect to see more units to this level of completion before I take a day to finish everything and make them, hopefully, pop!

Feeling motivated and very happy to have been able to pick a brush up again. I am happy with the way they are turning out. I hope you like them, I am really excited to get more completed and get them on a battlefield. 

Thanks for reading



  1. Looking good! Excited to see more of the army coming together! Going to look really good all together!

  2. Nice one Kaelo, these are coming along very nicely! Love the looks you got going on, gorgeous UM's Roboute would be proud of :)

  3. They're looking awesome mate! They really are coming together now :). The shade of blue looks spot on too

    1. Cheers bud. Getting the a blue I am happy with has been a ball-ache!

  4. Looking nice. Are these full resin or a mix of BaC and Invictarii upgrades?
    I need to get some work done on my 2 15 man squads. And the bitz for a sick veteran squad. What's a strong load out for ultramarine veterans with the sniper special rule?
    Alors the paint scheme is looking great as are the poses fir the sergeant.

    1. You can't go wrong with a mix of weapons for overall practical!!

    2. They are full resin, which is why I am not 100% happy with the legs :s

    3. Yeah I find the legs on the resin mk4s don't look great. The mk2s, 5s and 6s look great now. Just not the mk4s.
      So the veteran squads can be armed with what exactly? Mix of CC and ranged and what special weapons?

  5. That shade of blue is so much more Grimdark than GW one. Excellent work, it looks even better with a full squad.

    1. Thanks Col. Exactly the style I was going for. Dark and vibrant. They look better in real life though. Can't wait to get them all on the board. Should be another big update in a fortnight!

  6. I'll be honest I find the shade of blue to be too dark for UM....what's your color scheme ?

    1. Thanks for commenting :)

      I am in the camp of Ultramarines fans that goes for more of a cobalt blue than baby blue. They used to be much darker in artwork (before 40k turned its direction towards children and disappeared from its grimdark roots). My Ultramarines are a reflection of that darker design ideal and theme.
      I spray the model black, then Macragge blue. I then layer with a 50/50 mix of Macragge Blue and Vallejo Air 722. I do 1:1 pot.

  7. Yay :D I cant wait to paint mine, too cold at the moment, but got the macragge spray which will put me a long step ahead :)

    1. Pleasure to have you here Remus. Will you send us some pics when you get some done?

  8. Wow I haven't been here for a long time, nice to see your proud warriors in blue! Thanks for sharing brother Kaelo! ;^)
