
Sunday, 17 January 2016

Legion on Parade: Jens Rosemann's Word Bearers (updated)

Hi all. You might be familiar with our Legion on Parade feature (you might not as it has been a while), here is Jens Rosemann's Word Bearer Legion which was featured in 2014. He has updated it since then and here it is

The paint scheme is quite easy apparently according to Jens. 

1. Prime with chaos black
2. Paint the model with Khorne red
3. Paint the trim of the shoulders and some other areas (trim of knee pads, trim of gloves, ...) with Leadbealcher
4. Paint the details (eyes, weapon (mechanicum standard grey), ...). I like to exchange the colors for some of the details from time to time. The eyes vary from blue to purple.
5. Add a nice person layer of Nuln oil over the whole miniature. 
6. Paint the 'runes' with ceramite white here and there. Not to much. 

If you have a Legion you wish to showcase on our blog, just follow the steps on the left or email directly to TheBattleBunnies at 

Drake Seta


  1. Very nice. That Sparten looks awesome.

  2. Yep great idea to use the 40k WB doors!

    Also .... I may need a unit of termies now Q_Q

  3. Nice work. I also love the Spartan. Like the colour scheme no good idea with varying the eye colour

  4. Great looking army! I agree with the comments above the Spartan is very nice! Great work!!

  5. Stunning work Jens!! Really impressive army :)

  6. Thanks a lot, guys! Always a pleasure to get some feedback :)

  7. Nice army, an obvious labour of love. I agree that the 40k word bearer Doors suit 30k.

  8. Seeing collections like this is always great. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wish I had this colour scheme when I started my word bearers 40k. Mine are now just a mishmash of reds.
    Gona use this méthode going forward.

  10. Wish I had this colour scheme when I started my word bearers 40k. Mine are now just a mishmash of reds.
    Gona use this méthode going forward.

  11. Cracking army, looks awesome!

    Is there a way in the current lists to get a knight in a heresy army? Thanks in advance :)

    1. Yep - using the Questoris Knights army list for your allied detachment - allows you to have 2+ Knights (or one Knight and Archmagos Draykavac) - otherwise taking them as LoW choice for Mechanicum armies :)
