
Monday, 25 January 2016

The Horus Heresy Book VI: Retribution Cover

Howdy Guys and Girls - fresh from Forgeworlds Bulletin - the cover for Retribution :)

I only managed to get a quick look inside, but it is absolutely packed with Legion rules, units, rights of war and more. I can’t wait to get my hands on it, and I’m told that a limited number should be available at The Horus Heresy Weekender. Don’t worry if you’re not going to be at the weekender though, I hear that The Horus Heresy Book Six - Retribution is expected to be released very soon after the event.

Are you excited? What do you want to see most? Shattered Legions, Black Shields, Knights, Dark Mechanicum, or other stuff? Write us in the comments below!

Lady Atia


  1. Wow, that picture makes me want a Knight-Atrapos even more!

    Shame skitarii are not in the book...

    1. Yeah, well Skitarii are supposed to be in the Mars book, so they are like the dragons in GoT - they are on the way :P

    2. A Mars book, do tell more.

    3. It's not on the horizon for a while sorry ^^

      Retribution and Inferno are this year ^.^

    4. I think it's a bit of a shame that a major component of Heresy (Titan) armies is currently missing.

  2. They do like to put titans and knights on the covers...

    Looking forward to it though. Nothing for me specifically inside, but I do like reading them.

  3. Are Dark Angels or Space Wolves in this book?

    1. Dark Angels should be yes (and getting one of the five mini campaigns story wise)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's pretty much confirmed that the Dark Angels will have the Monster Hunter special rule, as per the 30k FAQ. Should be a nice boost against Mechanicum.

  4. looking forward to this, Hopefully we'll have Dorn and Alpharius before book seven since my 2 main legions are Imperial Fists and Alpha Legion

  5. Personally Shattered Legions as perfect excuse to have a few small Iron Hands and Raven Guard units alongside my Salamanders in the future!!

    1. Yep! This army options will be a pleasure for everyone who can't decide on one Legion that's so cool :)

    2. Do you have any ideas on how the shattered legions will work?

    3. True and I wonder what traitor legions would make a fluffy shattered legion army

    4. You can also use the same options for creating a Black Shield army or Traitor Hunting force afaik =)

    5. Traitor hunting force ? Atia do you think we'll be able to use shattered legion rules for traitor legions ? If so, any ideas fluff wise ?

    6. Yep - imagine a force consisting of World Eaters, Word Bearers and lets say Night Lords who are hunting loyalists on the surface of Istvaan V after the bulk of their legions left. Or a force of Sons of Horus and traitor Iron Hands raiding loyalist planets during the Dark Compliance. Or you may go the good old "loyalists traitor" route and doing a force of loyal Emperors Children who work together with Blood Angels and Knights of House Vyronii. Endless possibilities :)

  6. I would hazard a guess at usual force organisation chart but with limitations on elites, heavy support, fast attack however can choose across armies!!

    1. I'd actually see a higher ratio of vets and fast attack because anyone surviving Istvaan is going to have either blooming skillz (tm) or be very fast!

    2. Yeah on second thoughts that would make sense - maybe alongside a leadership boost for having to operate without normal leadership roles?! Or even not having to take HQ's?

    3. No HQs in a world of Primarchs, Knights, and Titans may be a step to far lol!

    4. Amongst Shattered Legions that have lost Primarchs and have no access to Knights or Titans (I'm thinking loyalists that fled Istaavan) it could be possible, but unlikely!

  7. Lots of content! Looking forward to getting my hands on this at the weekender, hopefully there are many new shiny models too :D

  8. I'm most excited to read about and get some crunch on the Black shields, namely their darker side (there was mention of pirates, genetic experimentation, insanity, etc). There was a color plate of what looked like Space Sharks when they had the preview of Book Six, so pretty curious to see where that leads.

  9. Can't wait for BA rules. Even though it'll just be the equivalent of the first two pages that all the other legions have, I'm still happy to have something, anything, for BA.
