
Friday, 12 February 2016

Forge World releases 12/02

So, another Friday rolls around and we have been given some new stuff from the Forge World studios. A lot of bundles have come out this week so I will keep it brief and let you all investigate for yourself if anything catches your eye. With Retribution now for sale these bundles mostly relate to Shattered Army list bundles. So lets take a closer look:

As stated above, Retribution is now for general sale

A Retribution Campaign collection that includes book 6 Retribution and the Crusade Army List.

Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon. Now these are not new designs just to be clear, these are a light-weapon equivalent.

Leviathan Dreadnought Talon

Iron Shadows Shattered Legion Force. For Raven Guard and Iron Hands groups

Survivors of Isstvan Shattered Legion Force. A mix of Raven Guard, Salamander and Iron Hands models

Knight-Errant Shattered Legion force. This includes Garro at the helm and a mix again of Raven Guard, Salamanders and Iron Hand models

World Eaters and Word Bearers Shattered Legion force. This is an alternative traitor force to use which incides Kharn the Bloody and Zardu and the Blade-slaves, and a host of mix of World Eater and Word Bearer units.

So a lot to see this week it seems!! Are you excited about this week's new releases? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below :)

Darko Thane


  1. where the blistering HELL is the mastodon already :c

    1. Production issues as far as we know :<

    2. Don't expect to see it until April-June. Apparently the model didn't cast well, particularly the track units. They only discovered this just before the weekender when trialing the production casts. They are redoing this now.

    3. Like the Col. said, originally intended for an April release but delayed due to unfortunate casting issues.

    4. Yup. Blake Spence said to me that he couldn't sign it off as he couldn't even assemble it properly. The vehicle flanks will be a one piece component now. But because of this it has a knock on effect with shrinkage on the other parts :/ gateway problem which I am sure Blake will rectify.

  2. Are there any hints of the Crusade army list red book being updated soon? Just wondering whether to get the bundle.

  3. Does this mean that the cortus-contemptor will not have a proper model, just alternative rules for the regular contemptor?

    1. It states on the website that the normal Contemptor class counts as the Cortus class. Its like a kind of scavenger Contemptor that gets light weapon options compared to the normal dreadnought

  4. The Garro one is certainly interesting and reflects his search for those chosen by Malcador. I wonder if Meduson is among the Sigillite's desired Marines. If not, please feel free to debunk me asking that.

  5. Time to start painting more world eaters

  6. Next upgrade they need to make is spiked shoulder pads. I know they can be made, but I've seen several of them in the books now, and they are AWESOME!! Can't wait to read up on the Blackshields... Add them to my EC and DA and Mechanicum army!

    1. There are some in the works. The Cataphractii upgrade kit for Sons of Horus will have spikes on the shoulder plates.

  7. So sad. Will we never see another discounted "bundle" again?

  8. Shattered Legions look more and more appealing to go alongside my Salamanders!! Anyone know how good Gorgon Terminators are?
