
Sunday, 7 February 2016

God Machines of the Titanicus Seminar - and Secutarii

Hallo everyone :)

Day two of the Horus Heresy Weekender 2016 has started - and so has the first seminar today - God Machines of the Titanicus. It's all about the Warlord Titan, from designing to rules and painting! The post will be updated through the seminar, so keep checking back :)

The seminar starts :)

First ever produced Warlord Titan - never for sale.

Metal ones. Not plastic. Also never went for sale.

First plastic ones - the "classic" Warlord.

First scratch built ones. Battle for Terra diorama.

The one that is out today - Mars Alpha pattern Warlord.

Legio Fureans


Were from Adeptus Titanicus era. Titan Guard pretty much. Designed to work with the Titan Legions. Name is deviation of shield bearers. Grenade launcher systems and can lay down chaff etc.

The Chaos Warlord is not being worked on yet. Expect 2 years.

Secutarii are in 40k and 30k!

They are not reviving epic! They are doing it as a new scale!

The seminar is over - what do you think about the new Titanguard? Are you excited for a new EPIC (although not 6mm)? Write us in the comments below!

Drake Seta, Lady Atia and all the other Battle Bunnies =)


  1. It's great to see the different Warlord Titans from the years!

    1. Yep, especially the old EPIC ones :)

      Fun how they didn't showed the Armageddon one though ^^

    2. Looks like they missed this one too: :)

    3. Darren pointed it out at the end of Tony's presentation.

    4. Yeah i always wanted the neat metal unreleased ones from the rulebook.

  2. So the Secutarii don't have legs in those shots. Designed to work with existing plastic legs? They look compatible with plastic Skitarii parts.

    1. Looks like new arms/heads/weapons only.

    2. Typically I've just glued all my existing skitarii together... ah well suppose I could do with picking up some extra boxes for the additional aquabuses and calivers

    3. Makes sense. Our two existing types of Skitarii footslggers are just head and weapon arm swaps as it is, so this gives us two additional types by the look of it. Makes for a nice visual and tactical variety in a Skitarii force.

      Loving how good GW and FW have been to Mechanicus fans of late.

    4. Hmmm a second starter box would give me a squad of Secutarii, a second plastic Magos so i can have the other guns and head without magnetising, the third Onager i need to get the max save...

      That might work out :)

  3. Thanks for the coverage, hope you can enjoy the day without us other people bothering you to much :)

    Any word on the normal rangers and vanguard crossing over to 30k?

    1. Yup. Secutarii upgrade packs by the looks of things. . . . Just add plastic legs.

  4. New scale for epic? Hopes for 15mm!

    1. The want it big enough to to have detail, but small enough to have big actions. I think 10mm ish will be the sweet spot. It's still up in the air.

    2. 10mm for the win in my opinion.

  5. New scale for Epic? Oh dear... so all of the epic stuff we've hung onto is useless and we'll need to buy tons of new stuff to play, I think I can see a lot of people being disappointed by this. Hopefully it's not a harbinger of doom for the rest of the 'specialist games' :/.

    1. There is a huge epic market out there. Lots of people still play. Hold on to your stuff and look at the news scale. Ebay or trade it. You will make some money of it.

      Thanks for the great coverage Battle Bunnies!

    2. We havent been given any more details relating to the specialist games yet. Blood Bowl has been announced but nothing else has been confirmed so I would say hold on as you never know they can change their mind!!!

      And thanks for your kind words Stormboy :)

    3. I expected a change of scale to be honest, as a tactic against the second hand stuff and the third party manufacturers who are already churning out 6mm models based on GW IP.

  6. We in the Epic community kind of expected it. Of course GW would twist the knife once more.

    Though it's a little more complicated than that, because the Titans were always underscaled relative to the tanks and infantry. A lot of the fanmade and 3rd-party Titan models were larger, in order to be "true-scale" 6mm. It's possible that newEpic will have larger, true-scale 6mm Titans and if they ever expanded into infantry and tanks they'd be compatible with the old ones.

    But probably not. The original Epic was a defensive move against Battletech, a 6mm game, and newEpic might be a defensive move against 10mm Dropzone Commander. 10mm seems likely. Personally I think 6mm makes for a better game unless you're using small armies.

    Also have to consider that fans of the 6mm have been recreating 28mm models pretty effectively. GW/FW don't have to compete with those models if they rescale Epic.

    1. The change of scale is to create a way of making more modelling and painting possibilities. I think 15mm would be in competition to much with 30k

    2. 15mm would be disastrous. Flames of War (15mm WWII game) can feel pretty crowded on a 6'x4' table and each side is only a reinforced company. Surely they can't turn Epic into a puny company-level game! Even with small forces on each side, at 15mm you don't have the room for maneuver that makes Epic work so well.

      Not to mention, 15mm Titans would be 40k knight sized. Nearly $200 each...

    3. Hi Carlos. I think 10mm would sound reasonable. Still big enough for an Imperator too. Detail would be better on buildings, models and scenery too.

  7. I love the skitarii. But I'm not going to use GW legs and bodies oh no.
    I'm going to maximize the amount of skitarii by buying from Victoria miniatures some great coat legs and torsos. That will look fine I think.

  8. When they announced a new scale, did they outright say not in 6mm?
    The titans in epic where grossly out of scale with the rest of the game system, closer to 3mm scale then with the infantry (being in 6mm).

    1. Hi mate. They said it will be a new scale. I think it is a good move to be honest. I know it sucks for the die hard epic fans, but this would only be better for models and detail too.

  9. Yeah, this honestly sucks balls for me and the epic fans. Would love to see some FW Titans to go along side my true scale forumware ones
