
Monday, 8 February 2016

Golden Demon HH Weekender 2016

There were some fantastic entries over the course of the weekend and I have to say some people really brought it. 

Our own Drake Seta had some great minis entered and won finalist pins for both his vindicator and breacher squads. 
Surprisingly no pin for his amazing Garro entry which even a lot of people at the event commented wondering why. 
However the winners were well deserved and the level of painting was exceptional. 

Here's a quick preview of his entries:

Pre-Heresy Death Guard Garro:

Death Guard Vindicator:

Death Guard breacher squad:

Here is a breakdown of the Top Entries in each category:

So finally here we are:

Here it is in all its glory:

Well done Andy a fantastic set of Demons for the day. Great Sigs' pose too lol. 

Well done to all those that entered, placed and won. 

Check out WHW FB page for more pics from the event. 
Until next time. 

- Tylar


  1. Some fantastic work on showcase. The HH models do lend themselves as projects for painters. I'm very glad I didn't embarrass myself by entering lol

  2. I'm surprised drake didn't get anything at all.
    That's a shame.
    But congrats to the winners though.

  3. i think the golden Deamons were very much a golden Deamons. I don't think all the winners, while well painted, screamed Horus Heresy. which is kinda the point.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just to reiterate, the models were amazingly painted, just some were a bit 40kish rather than 30kish if that makes sense. I don't mean to undermine the enterants achievements which are very well deserved.

  4. I think some politics may have been involved but still, well done to everyone who entered.

  5. But garro looks awesome :P deserved something at least, was there any news on iron warriors getting models for iron havocs and tyrant siege termies btw?

    1. Yes Tyrants were mentioned... No timeline though.

  6. Hmmm as nice as the winners were I think drake deserved a win for that garro conversion.

    I think it's just rigged due to guillimans boys being the poster girls for the heresy whereas drakes boys are too good for the golden Deamon awards

    1. we joked it was because he wasn't mounted on a stand...

      I don't think FW would describe UM as poster boys. Front covers are reserved for the real legions.... The Titan Legions!

  7. Tylar, great writeup.

    Drake: Fantastic work, just incredible. Thank you for the great tutorial. I hadn't seen the oil paint/WS technique before; I'll be showing that to the boss.

    1. No problems. See my death guard medusa post for good pics of how to use oil and White Spirits.

  8. Where were the winners for the Vehicle category?

    1. Your right!
      I'll edit them in later.
      Sorry guys they failed to upload for some reason.
      My apologies.
