
Saturday, 6 February 2016

Mechanicum Battle Automata

Remember this guy - 

Well it's had a 30K re-vamp or 'Pre-vamp' and it looks good. 

Twin havoc launchers, some kind of rad based weapon and little manips too. 

Once again guys his is current WIP with no rule set yet or release date. 
But as soon as we know more we'll let you know. 
Let us know what you think, would you field them in your army?

More to follow :)

- Tylar


  1. I like it. I'm not sure I am going to field it, but it is cool.

  2. Sooooooooooo cute - I want three!!!

  3. Love the concept but those engines look way too diddy!

    1. In one sense yes...but the smaller engines are little turbo fan styled jet engines whereas the Blight drone versions are more like propeller blades fans.
      As the technology has faile over the thousands of years they've been replaced with simpler technology.

      That's my take on it :)

    2. Rob confirmed this in the new model seminar. It's a precursor, of the devolved blight drone. It is not an up corrupted blight drone.

  4. Love the concept but those engines look way too diddy!

  5. Wow didn't expect to see HH variant / early daemon engines

  6. AWESOME! Love these! Kinda remind me of the Matrix drones a bit! About time the Mechanicum got some dedicated flyer support

    1. Totally agree. Really looking forward to painting a nice brass top on these. They will look awesome when not corrupted.

  7. It's brilliant! I like the inspiration behind the idea of Blight Drones, and this machine creature also looks like a nod towards the robotic fliers of ther Terminator movies. We now know where the Magos Dominus got his dorsal protection - the segmented carapace of this beast looks very much like it too.

  8. I would field one in Dark Heresy RPG *evil GM giggles*

  9. I like seeing the "before" of things from 40K but this just doesn't seem right to me. It doesn't quite match up to the "after"-it's too segmented and, to me, looks more Tau than human or mechanicum.

    Don't get me wrong-I DO like it, I just don't think it's quite right. The past isn't fitting to the future, if you know what I mean...???

  10. GREAT!! The mechanicum need more of these drones and sentries. Next we need drone flyer... A literal plane that is only a drone, no pilot. A mix between borax, and this that is an actual Flyer

  11. I needs it!

    Damn, this is coming at a time where I'm trying to decide, Triaros or Kriosor 3 more Castellax with power blades to create some nightmare close combat unit.

  12. I will field *anything* that's Mechanicum-related.... but particularly so if it hovers! ;)

  13. Also the gun on the front reminds me of the skiitari arc rifle.

  14. If it's the same size, I'm thinking I'll convert one as either a second blight drone, or as a death guard aligned heldrake if its too big for a blight drone.

  15. If it's the same size, I'm thinking I'll convert one as either a second blight drone, or as a death guard aligned heldrake if its too big for a blight drone.
