
Saturday, 26 March 2016

Poll: Event Only Knight Errants and Forge World Upgrade sets for all armour variants?

Hello all. 

A little while ago we put up a poll and asked the question: Should Forge World do a lesser known Knight Errant with rules, every year as an event only miniature?

The reason why I asked this question was mainly because, most of the Knight Errants (especially the first 20) will never get a model. It is my opinion that when a new year rolls round and Forge World have to develop a year of event only models, it may be a profitable excercise to release an event only Knight Errant, with rules in the event's programme (as they did last year with the Iron Warrior and Alpha Legion special characters. 

Here are the results of the Poll:

Totally split on the vote here. It may be down to some voters who may not have access to an event thinking it is unfair. I personally think it is a good idea, but with the added possibility that in few years they release all Knight Errants in a nice expensive set with all characters that were only available as event only in the previous years. 

Next Poll:

And so today we also put up a new poll: Should Forge World do Power Armour Variant specific upgrade packs for each Legion? For instance should FW do MKII, MKIII and MKIV upgrades for each Legion?

You can vote and comment below too. 

Drake Seta


  1. Would love to see upgrade packs like this - the more packs the more variety for all + those who enjoy converting. Currently my 40k blood angel army includes converted Forge World luna wolves, emperors children and ultramarines to add variety. Would love too see upgrade packs for other Knight houses as well as House Terryn.

  2. More variety is always good. The only bad thing about more armour mark upgrades - I would have to buy 2-3 more units for each legion :P

    And we totally need Sarum heads for the World Eaters, and some cool Cataphractii upgrades, especially for Word Bearers *_*

  3. I only really use the upgrade packs for veterans, like Sergeants or veteran tactical squads and I would do these in the armour most appropriate to the legion, which for the most part forgeworld have gotten spot on. So for me I would rather see the time, effort and expense go into other models!

    1. I somewhat second this as i feel the upgrade sets are most appropriate for veterans or the like. However I do like being able to make veterans of different armour variants and as long as it keeps FW busy and keeps on forcing me to drop my jaw i think FW should go for it.

  4. I personally don't like the chapter upgrade kits. I guess I'm the only one. I can't stand having to buy a unit of power armour and then buy an upgrade kit and now I have a whole bunch of extra piece that I can't use. The biggest thing I want to see from GW, hands down is legs. I'm not sure why they don't sell legs, they are one of the rarest pieces of any space marine model. It would be fine if you could use Mark VII legs, but they wouldn't look right at all. So until GW or FW comes out with a set of legs for older mark armour I will never buy a set of upgrades. I wont pay $128 for a 10 man tactical squad.

    1. The legs issue is probably made on purpose, as it makes costumers buy more sets as opposed to just buying extra legs, and it is done all across the marine range (they will rarely include extra legs in any kit, while they may include extra heads or even whole torsos) so it is difficult that they'll do that. One thing that would be nice though would be sets of prone or kneeling legs, as some units would look nice with them. If you need some extra legs, I recommend you to take a look at anvil industries, they have a nice range of bits and their medieval legs look the part for mkIII.

    2. So customers will just buy bitz with only legs.
      Seriously, i always felt like gw (and fw as its extension) is just a bunch of pple with great ideas and big talent, but not a business plan. Thats awful

    3. I can totally understand why they don't include extra pieces like legs or whatnot, people would get more models out of the unit, but I would rather them either sell legs, because obviously their would be a market if ebay is any indicator, or make the "upgrade" kits complete kits by adding generic legs to them. GW/FW are probably the worst company I've ever seen when it comes to business, but we have all known that for years. That is why this is a wish list post. lol

    4. I've found myself mixing and matching torsos and heads from the upgrade set and plastic from the BaC box. It add's a lot of variety and I'm able to make the upgrade set last a little longer.

  5. Rather that armour specific, I'd rather they did a mix of armour marks in the same set. Most people mix armour marks in a squad so would need to buy several upgrade sets. How about each upgrade sets has a mix of mk2, mk3 and mk4 in it?

    1. That would be awesome for the IVth legion.....

  6. It would be nice, no doubt, but I don't feel it like something absolutely necessary. Personally, I think some sets (specially helmets) could be used with more than one legion, so there are plenty of options to choose right now. Anyways, more options is always a nice thing, so if they do so I won't complain :D.

    1. What would be really nice is if they put together all the bare heads from the different sets, or made a full set, some of them are great and not having to buy a whole set for them would be great

  7. More models is good for everything except my wallet.... Bring them on!

  8. I liked getting event only miniatures back when gamesday Sydney was a thing, but it hurts bad when your country no longer has official events. The knight errant idea is cool... But I'd want more varieties in event miniatures were I able to get to events. For one I really think they should do a thallax with a shattered visor and unique pose as an event only mini.

  9. I voted with a big fat No because I don't like the whole idea behind the Knight Errant. In my oppinion the Heresy is about the legions and about the Primarchs. They should start, fight and decide the big war.
