
Thursday, 17 March 2016

Sons of Horus First Company Update 8

Hello all!

Todays update isn't what I was hoping to show, I was planning on having my 20 Reavers completed. Unfortunately work has gotten in the way. That said I have made good progress today and another couple hours of work should see these guys done!

I have completed all the basic colours, washing, highlighting on the red, along with eyes and Eyes of Horus. I am now halfway through highlighting on the brass and only have the silver left to do. Then the 'ard coat and medium wash. 

Here is a group shot of all 20 on the painting table. 

I am confident that I will have these guys completed by Sunday's weekly progress report and we be able to show then off properly in an update next week. Once these guys are done I will be looking to complete another 11 Justaerin and I will begin the prep work on my support vehicles. I have a Spartan, Land Raider and 2 Dreadclaws ready for priming. To go with these I also have a Fireraptor and another Dreadclaw awaiting assembly. I am also planning on a purchase from forgeworld (to have a chance in the Titan comp!), this will most likely be made of a Typhon heavy siege tank, maybe a Leviathan, and some other bits to support my feet on the ground. I am considering adding a Vindicator or 2 as well, as I think these will fit in with the relentless and hard hitting nature of the SoH. 



  1. Your on fire mate. These look so good!

  2. Loving the colour scheme and the brass looks really nice

    1. Thanks Dave! I've painted them in the same way I did my Justaerin (painting guide is on the blog), brass is Runelord brass, Agrax and Runelord again!

    2. Ah ok, that's interesting. Thanks. So you shade the colour then bring it back to its original colour as a highlight?

    3. Yup! I didn't want them to be too bright but the highlight adds some of the shine back that the wash loses. Neatness matters less as well!!

  3. They are coming along great Darien. What is your Total points completed so far?

    1. I have completed around 1750 depending on what points Chaplian Cordactus comes out at! These guys will add another 600ish to the total!

  4. Holy shoot (decided that was the best word to go with) you have made a ton of progress. I can't wait to see more. Will you do some sea green sons of Horus as well?

    1. Haha! Not quite as much as planned but that always seems to be the way! I will be doing some green at some point! Perhaps later in the year but that depends how well other projects go!! The forgeworld airbrush paints look ideal for the green!

  5. Looking awesome again Darien! I would say that's still plenty of progress well done!
