
Thursday, 14 April 2016

Chitty Chitty Choom Choom

Good morning all. 

I've had a busy few days squeezing in some build and painting inbetween work shifts and Princess Fluff's nap times and I thought I'd drop some work in progress on you.

I've been working on Triaros Armoured Conveyor and Thallax cohort for my Graian Mechanicum force. 

I know placing Thallax in a conveyor isn't everyone's cup of tea as this limits their jet pack status but I do plan on adding in other units that can utilise the conveyor so this really is a way of generating options for the future.

I found the build to be pretty straight forward hence no build shots. Any tank with moulded on tracks is a winner in my book.

I'm painting these in exactly the same way as my other Mechanicum units - however the Triaros was a bit of a challenge in regards to where to place the secondary bone colour of the force. In the end I did a tinternet search and found a scheme I liked to emulate on mine.

Here's the unit, primed in grey and then sprayed with Leadbelcher (I LOVE the new aerosol range from GW - it's so useful for armies such as this) and a wash of Agrax before s dry brush of Necron Compound. The dark metals really bring out the menacing Art Deco aesthetic of the Triaros.

Some process shots of the base colour going on...

Because of the level of detail layered into the model I decided to build sub-assemblies (which were dry fitted together to check for warpage) in order to reach the details easily.

And onto the top colours, my plan is to make the prow look more like a weapon rather than just the front of a vehicle.

For the stripe I used the same method I use on my Titans, place a piece of sellotape on the model, press down firmly, draw a line each side with a pencil then use that line as a guide to paint up to - it's pretty simple but works for me.

I think I'll probably finish the tank before starting on the final bits of the Thallax, as there's not a lot of detailing to be done on them. I also need to cast up their scenic bases but that's another story.

I'm hoping for a Warlord progress post sometime soon.

Remember the truth is out there.



  1. You get all the cookies, just for the title.

  2. Looking really good and sharp.

  3. Chitty chitty choom choom!! Lol!! Love it! :D

    The models are looking great as well!

  4. Wow that looks great. I bough one for the Titan comp tax, now I want to paint it!

  5. Your colours do look very good together. Apologies if you have already touched on this, but does Graia have an icon / transfer sheet? You thinking of something in particular for those beautiful doors?

    1. Unfortunately there is no Graia transfer sheet so I may go with a Mechanicum cog and some designation text underneath. There's lots of panels similar to the imperial Knights so I can do hatch symbols and warning icons dotted around too.

    2. I guess it's something to ask at the next event!

  6. Thanks for the comments guys. I'm looking forward to using Chitty in a game in the next month so I can see if it's as much fun to play as well as paint.

    1. It is! Especially if you drive through another tank....
      I do that allmost every game.

  7. These are looking great! I really want to field a Mechanicum detachment soon. Robots and Gothic tanks, what's not to love?
