
Sunday, 3 April 2016

Weekly Progress Report 03/04/2016

Hi all

It's Sunday at that means it's time for a weekly progress report. 

Darien has been building and prepping vehicles this week for his SoH. Look out for a full update tomorrow!

Atia has finished her Kurtha Sedd this week, and started to build her Heavy Support Squad. She also started to work on some Tankbustaz for her Orks.

Tylar managed to finish his Vindicator to the point where now it will await transfers. 
Next on the list is the Typhon and Spartan with a final touch up to the fist of two Xiphons. With a leviathan and the fist set of Solar Auxilla on the Horizon. It's all slowly coming together for the VIIth Legion.

Drake has been moving and has a busy week ahead. Progress may be slow until he is settled in. I have felt the impact of Hurricane Drake and my gaming room is currently off limits lol

Aveinus has been spending this week making the finishing touches to his plasma gun support squad, however he has hit a few problems on applying the transfers to the shoulder pads. He will be giving an update on the squad on his next blog post.

King Fluff has been wrestling with his Warlord Titan - making good use of Queen Fluff's trusty hair dryer.

So once again, some great progress from the majority of the Bunnies. Hopefully you have enjoyed the update.



  1. Nice updates guys and gal.
    I live to see progress, and since it has been spring break here, I too have made progress on my legion: veteran squad almost done, and 1 painted terminator!

    1. That's Good Simon! Keep up the good work.

  2. King Fluff, check out my stage by stage on TOC resources tab for constructing your Titan, should help keep you on the straight and narrow. Looking quite far along so you look like you are doing well with Drakes help!

  3. Well that's a bunch of progress. Good job all.

    I've been working hard on my Reaver and it's starting to really come together. I've also started my warlord, painting the head, as I've been painting lens and screens, thought I might as well. Maybe I should paint some WeeMen at some point to support them?

    1. I've started a 10 man Skitarri squad in my Titan legion colours but with such cool stuff for them on the Forge World horizon I may stay my hand until I see what's released.

    2. The joy of my Legio is they are support by skitari in the panoply of Mars. I dare say when I has seculatri, these may end up in fractured blue and checkerboard.

  4. Well done Tylar! Can't wait for them beautiful yellow bastards.
