
Friday, 27 May 2016

Mechanicum Ursurax Cohort

Hi all. 

Another squad complete this week. The Ursurax!

Was a cool kit to assemble and didn't take too long to paint. 

The models are very nice and dynamic. I decided to equip them all with lightning claws for added Legionnaire mincing. 

The claws were painted with Boltgun metal followed by Grey Knight Steel then washed with Nuln oil. 

From the rear. 

Well that is another Mechanicum unit down. Still have a lot of Battle automata in bags ready to assemble, but Solar Auxilia will be a priority for a while. 

Drake Seta


  1. I don't think Ursarax are battle automata. Aren't they like Thallaxii? Just super up cyborgs?

  2. I prefer your scheme to forge worlds. It makes the head look less odd!

  3. Nice paint job, are you going to get any of the mechanicum transfers to use?

    1. Hi Bronislaw. I will be but not sure which. Any recommendations?

    2. There are the ones from the 40k-AdMech-kits.

  4. I could have sworn forgeworld produced a mechanicum transfer sheet, but it's not there. The GW Ryza sheet is probably the best second option.
