
Thursday, 19 May 2016

New Horus Heresy book tomorrow

Hi all

Black Library have put a teaser banner up for their next book. 

We will learn more tomorrow, but we can speculate below ;)

Drake Seta


  1. With the current trend of anthologies..... That would be my guess. But I would be a very happy fan if it were actually a new story of the shattered legions.
    Not sure how many short stories are left now to actually put into another anthology, that haven't already been added to one.

    1. Wouldn't be shocked if it is Meduson on general release. But I am interested. They showed a few book covers off recently but nothing Shattered Legion related apart from the Either.

    2. That's my guess too Drake.

  2. I've been wanting to read that one.... but event only makes it hard to get until the general release some time after.
    As long as it has salamanders in it that AREN'T getting killed off left and right, I'll be a happy camper.
    But, I'd prefer something totally new.
    The anthologies are great, and I hate not getting them because they're numbered in the HH series, but by the time they come out, I've already got all the stories in them.

  3. I hope it isn't ANOTHER Omnibus...

  4. I hear maybe it is the Meduson anthology (which includes said story as well-awesome by the way). I also heard that anthology was strictly only purchasable at warhammer world or something so if they do make it available some would say BL was a liar.

    I have read it and honestly thought it was awesome. I have never been a big fan of shattered legion stuff but this one was awesome. There was continuity within the book and some awesome stories like Meduson and The either. I for one would not mind if it came out

  5. This is my issue with Black Library - I love the HH and have everything written then have produced but the number of times I buy "exclusive" books to only then see it released later winds me up!

    However my collection would look weird without every numbered book so I guess I'll be getting this as well.....

    1. the difference is 'exclusive' and 'timed exclusive'

    2. I've never seen a book released as 'timed exclusive'- it's always "exclusive' or 'limited numbers'

    3. All of their limited books are "timed exclusive." Every one gets a general release at least 1 year after original run.
      It was originally 2 years after, like with Aurillion and promethian sun. But, thankfully, it's usually only a year now.

  6. It think it is Meduson. Either that or the BL website is poorly designed. Eh.

  7. Well, at least I don't have any of the stories in this anthology. Seeing as it was exclusively available at Warhammer World until now.
    Wish it weren't twice the price for what amounts to a novela sized book though.

  8. It was Meduson and two audio discs and I have to say I am one VERY happy person. I really wanted to read the stories and get the book for my collection but the prospect of travelling all the way down to Nottingham again was a bir too much...and there was no way on this Earth I was going to pay the ridiculous amount being asked by the robbing Fucktards on EBay for a book they were probably selling to order...that they were selling for £90 then going to the Black Library shop and buying for £30 when they got a buyer. It's interesting to see how their asking price has almost halved now that the enhanced edition is on sale...
    Anyway...I was there the day Meduson went on sale to the people who couldn't get to Nottongham or the events...🤗
