
Sunday, 15 May 2016

Titans; what is coming and maybe a plastic one

Good morning all. 

The Bunnies always spend a lot of time with Forge World and Black Library at these events, often neglecting to talk to the GW and Citadel staff. The reason why is, they never answer any of our questions and are not allowed to share information regarding future releases. 

The tides may be changing now. Apparently some person who spoke to the plastic designers has revealed that there might be a plastic Warhound Titan in the future (we already know they are capable given the Aquila Strongpoint). 
So if this is truly the case, then we are extremely fortunate and it would just also add further stock to a plastic Thunderhawk too. Given that the Sokar is finally out and the Thunderhawk is the FW model that seems to make it onto the pages of WD almost every other week; I once again say it is just a matter of time before we see a Plastic Lucius and Plastic Thunderhawk. 

Forge World:
Other Titan designs are getting talked about again. 

Another mid class Titan (between Reaver and Warhound) will be considered next. 

Nemesis possibly will be the biggest Titan they do (will be Warlord based but with bigger guns / mounts).

The superbly talented Darren Parwood is working on something else big now. I believe this may be a light Battle Titan. We may not see it for a while though. 

Drake Seta 


  1. ........I need a better paying job

    1. .......with more free time to get it all done!
      SO EXCITED for what could be coming!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Que Duke Nukem:

  3. Awesome. Can't wait for more titan love.

    Btw... was me sat next to you all during the forgeworld seminar. Good to meet you guys.

    Enjoy the landing pad.

    1. Awh. Should have introduced yourself as! We know all of your guys names. Also the advertising money we get from page views bought us that terrain, so thanks to you all :)

    2. Cool. I'll say hello again at the July event.

      Managed to get 2 more Iron Circle this morning, so well happy.

      Great coverage. Cheers.

    3. Awesome. See if you can speak to the Citadel guys about plastic Thunderhawk and Warhound if you get time :)

    4. It would be really interesting to know how many sprues they would need to realize one of those sets. :)

  4. You guys got some great photos and news yesterday. Regarding plastic lucius, I can but dream! Any Alpha legion news?

    1. Hi Bronislaw. Nothing specific. Rob is working on some Vlka Fenryka upgrade sets next. He may be hitting up the Word Bearer and Alpha Legion daggers, but that is just me speculating.

  5. Plastic Warhound? That would be just stunning!

  6. Plastic Lucius?
    Nuh-uh if they want my money it's Mars pattern Warhound or nada. Optimus Warhound with a truck cab for a head can succumb to rust as far as i'm concerned. Sure others like it and fine for them, but it's not for me at all and i think it's a poor representative of Imperial design style that doesn't fit alongside Knights, Onager and Dragoons the way that Mars pattern titans do.

    1. I would give bodyparts to see more lucius style.
      Mars is all about shiny and smooth curves and overly complicated designs. Lucius are about getting the job done. Dogma vs purpose. Its why lucius titans are the only ones that can teleport on the field.

  7. I seriously doubt they would do a Lucius, the Mars fits in better with there Knights.

    1. Well I hope they leave Mars Pattern to FW, but do a cheaper (same stats and all) Lucius for the general 40k GW gamers.

    2. My worry is its a lot of space to put skullzzzz tm on it. If they are good, I'll get four (two mortis, two Tempestus).

      Assuming it happens.... Ok I'm off to sacrifice some virgins...

    3. Would it make commercial sense to do a Lucius though when the Mars pattern one has sold far better.

  8. Plastic my only way to ever afford one, so I'll take whatever pattern they give me. Same with the 30k. Mk4 is my least favorite, but it didn't stop me from buying bac

  9. Hey Drake, you doing an inbox img of the landing pad soon?

    1. Hi Col. Planning an unboxing video lol. Then paint guide and all. :)

    2. Dunno what happened then.... Going to blame the iPad, not the lunch time tipple...

      Video? Link as soon as they hit!

  10. Forgive my ignorance, but is a Nemesis Titan aligned to the Ordo Malleus?

    1. The Nemesis is the heavy variant of the Warlord.
