
Monday, 27 June 2016

Secutarii are coming! Hoplites and Peltasts

A lovely Bulletin from FW has just gone up. Here are two images of the Secutarii units. 

Secutarii Hoplites

Secutarii Peltasts

Now I really want to get a beautiful cohort in Legio Mortis colours. Let's hope we see them Inferno!!

Drake Seta


  1. I've been saving a box of skitarii for this for months now - can't wait :D

    1. Odds are they'll be another "conversion kit, with no resin-only option".
      This was probably to mitigate the effects people buying the conversion parts, and then buying the plastic from say, Dark-Sphere.

    2. I retract that actually "One army we’ve not designed any upgrades for is the Adeptus Mechanicus. That is, until now. Check out what’s coming soon from Forge World Studio…"

      Hopefully that is actually the case

    3. As it seems to be just the heads and the arms I think they could be just a straight resin only upgrade. I haven't see. The sprues themselves for the plastic kits, but if suitably placed it could come with the plastic sprue too.

  2. I've got four boxes of Skitarii ready and waiting.... So looking forward to these!

  3. Nice. Praise the Omnissiah!

  4. I have been saving for this release! I thought they would appear in the IA book with Red Scorpions and Tau? Are they going to be a 30k release as well?

    1. Hi Stormboy. Yeah they are a 30k release definitely. Would make sense for them to be in both the 30k and 40k books this year. The images I took of the 3D renders in a seminar this year were shown under the banner of the Horus Heresy. Haven't seen any hints at 40k too but I believe they will be.

    2. Hi drake, the new imperial armour book may have them. It was hinted as the legio grphonicus are in the book and were in full force (well the ones not munched by tyranids anyway).
