
Friday, 15 July 2016

Kaelo Rylanus; Raven Guard Tactical Squad 1

Hey all!

I have been promising a post about my Raven Guard squads for a while now and I have finally got round to taking some photos. I have finished most of the army and the rest will be complete by end of the month. Then I will be moving on to a non-heresy/40k project for a while before I start my Ultramarines proper.

These are a part of the army I will be taking to Throne of Skulls at the end of the month.

I have finished 2 tactical squads, one with MKIV armour and the other in MKVI. I will be showing the second squad in my next post.

The transfers are really nice, Forge World have done a fantastic job.

I hope that you like my squad, if you have any questions, feedback or comments please feel free to do so below. Reading your comments really makes the whole slog of painting worthwhile. 

Thanks for reading

Stay fluffy



  1. They look awesome! The transfers look really cool!

  2. Really awesome buddy - can't wait to start my own now =)

    Speaking about transfers - any idea what to do with the bronze coloured ones? Maybe vehicle crews?

    1. Thanks :)

      I think they are just a variation :s will ask Lord Bligh tomorrow!

  3. I am wondering what the non heresy/40k project is?
    Also these ravens look good. May nick the recipe to use in my shattered legions.

    1. Thanks mate.

      I have decided to complete 2-3 Age of Sigmar units as a quick project so I can enter them towards the Season of War campaign and feel like I contributed lol

  4. Sorry to go off topic, but I was wondering if any of the Bunnies could help me with something... I don't have the newest Legions Astartes army book so maybe it was updated. I only have the black version that was released with Book 3 Extermination. I can't seem to find which unit can take Graviton Guns as a whole. It's not listed under heavy support squad, tac support or veteran tac squad. Forge world sells them in a pack of 10, so which unit can take 10 Graviton guns? Or is this not a thing and the pack of 10 graviton guns means nothing?

    1. Iron hands tactical support squads are allowed a full unit of graviton guns

    2. Iron hands tactical support squads are allowed a full unit of graviton guns

  5. Hey dude, how did you do your bases?

    1. Hi Andy. We do our bases the same way that FW do theirs. Dryad Bark over black, then heavy drybrush of Gothgor brown, through Baneblade brown up to Karak stone. Dark to light with those four paints. Lovely.

  6. Hello Bunnies, it is always à pleasure to follow you and your armies.
    Are any of you going to the open Day tomorrow?
    If yes would you be so kind to ask some news about Blood Angel stuff for Horus Heresy?
