
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Lady Atia: Greater Brass Scorpion finished

Howdy Guys and Girls :)

I finished my Greater Brass Scorpion today and thought I would share her asap =)


Matriarch of the Brass Brood, Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne, Incarnate Daemon Engine

Daemon Engines are beasts of living metal, towering engines of war driven not by technology, but by the will of a denizen of the Warp. The mightiest of these creatures are mechanical Daemons summoned into beeing, as was first seen during the dark days of the Shadow Crusade.

A towering monster of armour plating and hellish metal flesh, powered by burning souls and bearing an arsenal of murderous weapons, the Brass Scorpions are an example for the Incarnate Daemon Engines.

Her fearsome hellmaw cannons are able to unleash a torrent of red-hot, molten brass summoned from the Daemon Forge of Khorne himself, and between his twisted form can be seen tormented souls given physical form at the moment of the machine's manifestation.

There are some theories among loyalist Magi about how these hellish creatures first came into beeing èn mass - some speculate a number of Brass Scorpions were forged - or brought into beeing - by the mad traitors of the Forge World of Xana - while other say the engines created by the Dark Mechanicum during that time were just hallow imitations of the Bloodgod's Brass Brood. Whatever the truth is - there are confirmed sightnings of these beasts fighting alongside Word Bearers, World Eaters and Night Lords during the later days of the Heresy ...

Hope you enjoy her as much as I did during painting - feedback is always welcome =)

Lady Atia


  1. That looks amazing, I love the base.

    Did you make up the part about them showing up late heresy? I like the idea of adding one to my 30k world eaters

    1. Yeah it's my own canon (for now :P).

      The thing is, they *are* true daemons, so you should be able to summon them during 30k. The first "mass sights" were during the first black crusade btw.

      Sadly, RAW you can't take them anymore for pure legion forces, as they changed the wording about Imperial Armour units. But you still can take a Brass Scorpion as LoW choice for daemons in 30k :)

    2. Also, forgot to add:

      - Xana uses a scorpion as totem. Scoria will have scorpion legs too, so it makes sense that they would try to create or summon Brass Scorpions, imo
      - Corax battles a daemon engine similiar to the Defiler and Brass Scorpions in one of the novellas :)

    3. What do you think of:

      1) using a wooden oval base from a craft shop where the beveled edge would be strained wood?

      2) after painting this, do you think it could work in some form of pre heresy world eater colors?

    4. I think it may work, but I probably would go with white and red instead of blue, personally. Pure Blue/White starts to vanish as soon as Istvaan is over - and the daemon engines would come very late, probably at the end of the Shadow Crusade after Angron's Ascendence.

      But from a pure painting PoV, I guess blue and white with some cool FW transfer sheets in red could work pretty well :)

  2. Looks absolutely fab :)

    I'm loving clear paints lately. They make so many effects possible and make a lot of things easier.

    1. Thanks =)

      And yeah, it's an awesome technique and I'm glad FW choosed it for most of their Heresy stuff - without that I never would have tried it :)

  3. question for you, where did you get the base ?
    looks awesome... really wanting to base my own scorpion

    1. Hey :)

      After searching for I think weeks, my dad managed to order me a so called "Malerkarton" from Germany, they have ovale ones.

      Not sure if you will be able to order it, but it worked really well, and I will get more of it for future big projects (like titans or so ^^)

    2. oooh thanks so much, if i cant... im sure ill find something like it :D

  4. If it is a true Demon, why would the Night Lords use it?
    They were one of the least Chaos associated Legions in 30k ..
    They are just bat ---- crazy and have a thing for Moisturizing lotion, baskets, hoses, and flayed flesh...and moth collecting.

    1. We don't know yet ;)

      Keep in mind, Legions were laaaarge. Not all followed their gene-sire's will. After their Primarch got taken prissoner, the Night Lords shattered. I have something planned in my mind, and hope I can tell that story another day.

      Last but not least - that part a hommage to the Brass Scorpion of my buddy Augustus b'Raass :)

  5. Great work Atia, great use of the pre-shading and clear paints. Nice base, characterful and tells a story of an unfortunate Contemptor trying to flee... Maybe they do feel fear ;)

    1. Thanks =)

      Well, wasn't there something about exploding Contemptors if their arc reactor got destroyed? :P

  6. Great work on the base. Does the fallen hero have a name?

    On a completely unrelated note am I the only one that sings Battle Bunnies in their heads like an old school cartoon everytime they type the site name in the browser box?

    1. Thanks =)

      Brother Caravici, former member of the Legion High command and banner bearer. He was part of a so-called "Shattered Legion Vengeance" raid under the overall command of Primarch Corax himself. May he rest in peace.

      And lol :)

    2. I absolutely know what you mean.
      I always have the melody from the great Battlefield Heroes in mind:

      Awesome Scorpion, Atia! Really love it. Am thinking about getting one for my Night Lords now. I imagine it could look really nice painted in Night Lord colours.


    3. You should check out Auggi's NL Scorpion then!

    4. Lol. Only thing I seem to find is girls in cosplay when I search Battle Bunnies. Think it was an Anime, but really should find out lol.

  7. Ferocious. Beautiful. Well done.

  8. Stunning! Great job there :)

  9. love the paint job and the contemptor trying to crawl away!

  10. Stop it. Your putting me to shame!

  11. Beautiful work Lady Atia. It really should see a battlefield soon. Would love to hear how it performs.

    Your Clear colour looks perfect too. You didn't have to touch any of it up? Could imagine that would be a knightmare.

    1. Thanks :)

      Yeah, I already have plans for a RG vs WB mini campaign :P

      And no, Horus' thanks I didn't had to touch any of it up. Not sure if that would be possible tbh

  12. Amazing model what size is that base?
