
Friday, 1 July 2016

Sons of Horus First Company Update 19

Hello all!

As you may have seen in our weekly update on Sunday I have been working on my last 11 Justaerin terminators. I haven't quite gotten as far as hoped but they are coming together.

Silvers are now done and I have started working on the brass. 

The goal is to get these guys and 2 dreadclaws completed before the Horus Heresy Throne of Skulls on the 30th July. Kaelo and myself will be there representing the Bunnies! I will of course be using my First Company and I am working on my list at the moment. Plan currently is to mainly run 2-3 squads of Justaerin, Abaddon, Vindicators and Contemptors. I am torn between walking across the table or investing in transports. The downside of transports means less men on the table but then they won't get shot up as much on the way across. I will be getting in a few test games before hand and will try a few different options out. Anyone got any thoughts or suggestions? 

Happy hobbying!



  1. If you have an open elite slot, invest in an Apothecarian Detahment to give added durability for footslogging units.

    1. Yeah. Also a Primus Medicae in Terminator Armour would help alot (more so if teamed-up with big A :P)

    2. Good suggestions, but it's a bit too much in my opinion! Justaerin are awesome on there own now and adding an apothecary or medicae seems over the top and a lot less fun for my opponent!

  2. Very nice Andrew! Can't wait to get my Raven Guard to face-smash you lol

  3. Throne I hope the Vlka Fenryka have a Terminator elite I can combat you with one day! They look great. So impressed you have done such a force. I could take them on with my Death Guard at Isstvan 3 too :)

    1. I hope so too! Would be a lot of fun to have a terminator based battle! It will be great to play through the Isstvan 3 campaign! Need some green SoH ready then as well! We will have some really awesome battles!
