
Sunday, 10 July 2016

Sons of Horus First Company update 20

Hello all!

This week has been very busy at work and I have had very little time for hobby. I have managed to get some done though. I have now completed the base colours on all 11 Justaerin.

Hopefully I will be getting the bulk of these guys finished this week but I've been thinking that for the last 2 weeks!! I have a good amount of hobby time coming up in the next 2 weeks so hopefully some good progress will be made. I also have several games planned to get some practice in with the First Company prior to Throne of Skulls at the end of July. 

I have a list of projects that I am planning and will be starting soon, once I have completed the last couple bits for the First Company. So later in the year I have:

Emperors Children - I own nearly all I need to get these guys going. I will be going crazy on the assembling front with these guys very soon! 

Green Sons of Horus - I am planning on doing a orbital assault army based on Little Horus' 5th company. 

Orks - I have a lot painted all ready but have some more to get sorted out ready an upcoming campaign. 

Ork scrap yard board - I'm not sure when I will get started on this yet but I think it will be this year! 

Happy hobbying!



  1. those look niiiiiice! Also, did you see the new pastics?! Yay! Heresy for everyone!


    1. ...the same plastics from the betrayal@ calth?

    2. Thanks very much! I didn't use the new plastics, I have had these for a long time. They are the full resin kit for the Justaerin from forgeworld! I will be using the plastic Mark IV marines for my Emperors Children and green Sons of Horus!

  2. More awesome progress Darien. Looking forward to seeing a huge MKIV force of some sort.
    Are you considering using the FW eidolon clear colour?

    1. That is the plan, over iron hands steel. Need to do a test model soon to make sure it looks ok!

  3. Great progress, loving these.

    I see GW have just released video How to Paint several HH Legion colours, will you be using these guides for your green SoH or EC?

    1. Thanks! I don't plan on using the GW guides. For the EC I will be doing a metallic purple, iron hands steel followed by Eidolon clear. For the green SoH I think I will be using the forgeworld greens layered up and the washed. I need to complete test models for them both first though.
