
Friday 29 July 2016

Ulthwé strikes!

Howdy Guys and Girls - just a little teaser for next week. via GW facebook:

Now some of you will ask - what has this to do with the Horus Heresy - well, both Eldrad and his craftworld were active during 30k. I may have to paint some for Zone Mortalis ...

Are you hyped for some Xenos action? Write us in the comments below (especially if you have a favourite Xenos race you want to see featured in 30k!).

Lady Atia


  1. I am -not- excited for xenos in 30k. Part of the reason I like 30k is because of the lack of them... 30k is definitely more focused on humanity and it's variants.

    1. Of course - no worries, there won't be Xenos from Forgeworld any time soon.

      Yet they still were there, especially if you play during the Great Crusade. That said, I would love some non-Imperium humans!

    2. just to be clear everything August brings in the next coming weeks will be feature in the next white dwarf starting September, and so on for the new issues? If this is the case it's gonna level up the secrecy over future releases.
      Also, am I sensing some DW release plus eldar & csm next following weeks?

  2. I like the idea of Xenos like Orks, Eldar and other annihilated races from the Great Crusade. The Great Crusade is so full of gaming potential, I think its a shame its getting so little official coverage.

    1. Yeah!

      Also don't forget early Necrons. I would also love to see Hrud and Slaugth (? i think thats how you write them) on the tabletop :)

    2. I would personal love a game set on Murder, from back before Horus started to fall..

    3. So do we ;)

      Maybe we will have something you will enjoy in the future :P

  3. Hrud please. Wouldn't mind seeing some abhuman helots that resemble dwarves ;-)

    1. I still hope for some Forgeworld Squats. And Chaos Squats. With cool hats.

  4. Honestly, the only reason I'm interested is because ulthwé means chaos might get some attention.

    I'm sick and tired of gorram xenos.

  5. What makes Eldrad Ulthuan interesting during the Heresy is that - as the Age of Darkness podcast pointed out when they discussed Fulgrim (the novel) - he was siding with the loyalists while the Kabal wanted the traitors to win. Same ultimate goal, but opposite sides in a proxy war.

    1. Indeed. I'm hoping the whole cabal story line gets still flashed out, now that we are "on the road to Terra" already.

      I'll have to re-read Fulgrim to look what units are described, but since they have an Avatar there, I guess aspect warriors are already part of the craftworlds (as you need a young king aka exarch to summon him - or all phoenix lords together mumbling some fancy words).

    2. There were banshees mentioned for sure. I seem to remember scorpions too but not completely sure about that one.

      Also Wraithlord.

    3. Yeah, the Wraithlord was even named if I remember it right :)

      That said, as I would go with Ulthwé, the focus would be on warlocks and guardians (but I love aspect warriors - the great thing about them is that you can paint them seperately from the main army thanks to different colour schemes)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Banshees appear in the Primarchs book. They confronted Iron Hands while Ferrus was making his way through the Eldar's maze

    1. Thanks :)

      That pretty much goes with what I figured out on my own - 30k Eldar would have aspect warriors, as that's what the whole path system is build upon. Also, as we know from the Iyanden trilogy, you don't need to be a long time on a single path.

  8. Wraithblades and wraithlords were also on an elder crone world that was in the Angel Exterminatus.

    Elder titans of some kind were present on Aghoru in the Thousand Sons novel

    1. Eldar Titans are mentioned in Book Two Massacre, page 157, detailing the assault on craft world Mor-rioh'i. The class is not stated, but the Eldar tech I though has always been broadly unchanged since before the fall except the addition of spirit stones.

  9. Eldar gets a proper scout titan in plastic. The interwebz explodes.
