
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Ahriman Collectible card compared to new sprue

Hi. Thought I would compare any CCG art to the new sprue to confirm the character. 

Weapon: match. 

Helmet: match (tear and all). 

Tassels, trims and pturges: match. 

. . . . Yep. Ahriman. 

Drake Seta


  1. I'm getting very excited by the prospect of future plastic 30k releases now. I think this trumps the quality of the Calth characters and promises great things from a second HH type boxed game.

  2. Definitely looks like it. Does this mean no character series one?

  3. If Ahriman is to be released in plastic, then what characters is Forgeworld going to spin out? All the other Thousand Sons characters are rather mnochrome and irrelevant for the main storyline. Phosis T'kar anyone? :-/

    1. I already have converted phosis t'kar, Hathor maat, kalophis and auramagma :D

      Can't wait to add Ahriman to the collection. Then I will only need to make uthizzar, Amon, Kalliston and Phael Toron :)

  4. It seems unlikely. They didn't include central characters like Thiel and Ventris in the Betrayal at Calth box - even the chaplain was a relatively minor character who'd only appeared for a couple of minutes in an audio drama. I suppose it's possible they're taking a different approach with the Prospero box, but Ahriman, really? I can't imagine them included a character as major as him. If this is intended to be an established character, I'd put my money on Amon personally - look at the horns on the model. Ahriman didn't get horns until centuries after the Heresy, specifically when he stole Amon's armour. The card you showed here also shows him without horns. Kharn's scars aside, they're usually good about following book descriptions accurately with their models.

    1. Hi. Well there is always the possibility it is another character, but I do think it is Ahriman and they added the Egyptian like horns as a frame to his head. Won't be long til we find out though.

  5. Excited to see this model, and will look forward to this realise as I play both wolves and sons, so a win win for me ! Plus the torso of the dead marine is mkIII so here's hoping for full plastic mkIII's !!
