
Saturday 20 August 2016

Community Question: Blood Angels

Hello everyone,

As you may have seen from my last post, I am the blogs Blood Angels player. The Blood Angels have probably always been my favorite legion and Sanguinius my favourite primarch so I'm really looking forward to eventually starting them!

I am stating to think about planning a scheme for them, but the photo below is pretty close to what I would like to achieve.

*For the record this isn't a model of mine, but its definitely a lovely model in pose and scheme so credit goes to the painter Gray Area over on the Heresy 30K blog :)*


It definitely captures the darkness of the Horus Heresy and although I do like the idea of the blood angles looking clean and regal, I do think I will be going for a similar battle worn look.

However, before I start a scheme I should really plan the initial units I am considering including in the army as well as learning how the legion likes to fight!

Some really nice 30K Blood Angels artwork above which I think captures the legion nicely!

So without posting the rules for the Blood Angels on the blog, they are obviously intended to be a rapid assault based army with plenty of close combat potential. The special rule for the legion Encarmine Fury represents the benefits of having the legion as an assault based force and the Rite of War: Day of Revelation in a nutshell gives you the ability to gain a cover save after deep striking and added initiative when charging into combat!

I have the 30 marines out of the calth box set which I will use to make tactical/despoiler marines and then I have been looking forward to working on some Mk IV assault marines for a while now so I think they will make an appearance! With an assault based theme to the army I think I will make twenty of the thirty marines into despoilers and maybe have one standard tactical squad. Other than this I am not particularly sure what I would like to include. Some terminators, dreadnoughts and a flyer will probably be added but I'm really looking forward to the release of the legion specific units.

So this post was really intended to ask the community, how you think the blood angels should play and what units both fluffy/competitive you would include in the force?

Also what do you think the legions special units will be? Another version of the Sanguinary Guard?

Just comment below as I am interested to hear anyone's opinion whether you have a 30K Blood Angels army or not :).

Thanks for reading,

Aveinus Kaane


  1. Well looks wise, that first pic is the bomb!

    I agree, heavy assualt theme, armies are there specialism. Ideally a insertion force with pods and flyers would be best.

    1. Yes completely forgot to mention the drop pods!

  2. Hi Aveinus, I suggest more than one Landspeeder and Jet Bike squads as a rapid flanking force, Despoiler Squad will be awesome, gunslinger jump troops shout Blood Angels, perhaps the 30k forerunner to Death Company? Could paint them black? Maybe a Caestus Assault Ram with the Terminators and perhaps a special character or Sang? Fast, in your face, but not forgetting long range heavy hitting, perhaps a little different with Scorpius Whirlwinds? Or Legion Basilisks?

  3. As a BA player I add to my jump Assault marines core some pods with Leviathan and/or Contemptor and a Dreadclaw with support squad.
    The goal is to have a strong deep strike force turn one.
    Then to complete with long range shooting as Sicaran, heavy support squad...

    1. Got to agree with Julian, assault squads backed up by a leviathan tend to form the core of my army, some armies struggle when a leviathan drops in their backfield. Although mine tend to be in dreadnought drop pods for the inertial guidance and so they can have a turn of shooting from in the pod.

    2. Thanks a lot guys for the advice! I think I would have to have at least one fast attack choice with the rite of war so I've always fancied painting some Jet bikes and the Caestus with the terminators inside is also a great shout :). The Leviathan is also a really good idea and would add something really tough to my assault. I think I'd like maybe a Lascannon heavy support squad too for like you've all said some long ranged firepower and I think a fast tank like the sicaran would be fluffy too.

  4. Honestly I'd go rule of cool. DoR is out best rite of war of the two. And then there's another jump pack RoW that is also baller. So two 15 man assault troops, a despoiler squad with choice of storm eagle or pod of your choosing and a leviathan in a dread do for quite a good core. Then everything else rule of cool it. Jet bikes both fast and heavy provide good fire power and can be melta bomb runners.

    1. Great advice again, I think everyone agrees on what they should have. Despoilers, Assault marines and a leviathan will be my initial units for the army then!

  5. I say you've got to make sure you rule the skies no matter what.

  6. My force will have two tactical squads with bolter, bolt pistol, and chainsword as its core, as even when favoring assault, they aren't angrons miscreants, but scions of Baal.

    As I'm using the betrayal at calth plus some extra stuff for my start, I'm supporting the two tacticals with a ten man heavy support squad armed with lascannons, a recon squad in recon armor, a vigilator, and a six man cataphractii squad with a mix of weapons.

    I think that it does depend on the company for how you build though, I'm looking to build Amits fifth, so I think tactical heavy is more in line with the description in fear to tread, but other companies would be influenced by their respective captains.

    1. That's a really good point actually I hadn't thought about it from a company perspective. I'll have to do some research to see which one I would like to do!

  7. My force will have two tactical squads with bolter, bolt pistol, and chainsword as its core, as even when favoring assault, they aren't angrons miscreants, but scions of Baal.

    As I'm using the betrayal at calth plus some extra stuff for my start, I'm supporting the two tacticals with a ten man heavy support squad armed with lascannons, a recon squad in recon armor, a vigilator, and a six man cataphractii squad with a mix of weapons.

    I think that it does depend on the company for how you build though, I'm looking to build Amits fifth, so I think tactical heavy is more in line with the description in fear to tread, but other companies would be influenced by their respective captains.
