
Saturday 13 August 2016

Drake Seta: My armies and schedule for the future

Hi all

We were asked to do a post to illustrate where we are with our armies as it stands and what our plans are. So here we go into my forces:

Death Guard
My Death Guard force is now at a substantial enough size that I could just walk away from it and deem it complete, but as I want to give this army to my son when he gets older, I feel I need to at least get it to the 6000pt mark. 

So as it stands I have the following completed: 

Battle Captain Nathaniel Garro

Master of Signal Turl Vehroid: artificer armour; bolt pistol; chainsword; melta bombs; refractor field

Praetor Ubbag Jules: archaeotech pistol; paragon blade; melta bombs; iron halo
5 Deathshroud Terminators: melta bombs

19 Tactical Space Marines: + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; Deathshroud power scythe; melta bombs)
9 Breacher Space Marines: 2× meltagun; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; combi-weapon; melta bombs)

4 Tactical Support Marines: flamers (chem-munitions); combat blades; + 1 Tactical Support Sergeant (artificer armour; melta bombs)

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
• Contemptor Dreadnought: multi-melta; dreadnought close combat weapon (heavy flamer); extra armour
• Contemptor Dreadnought: plasma cannon; dreadnought close combat weapon (plasma blaster); extra armour

1 Rapier Carrier: graviton cannon

4 Destroyers: missile launcher; melta bombs; + 1 Destroyer Sergeant (artificer armour; 2× phosphex bomb)

• Rhino: extra armour

4 Heavy Support Marines: autocannons; hardened armour; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour; augury scanner; melta bombs)

4 Heavy Support Marines: plasma cannons; hardened armour; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour; augury scanner; melta bombs)
Artillery Tank Squadron
• Medusa: extra armour

Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
• Vindicator: auxiliary drive; extra armour; armoured ceramite; dozer blade

Sicaran Battle Tank: auxiliary drive; armoured ceramite; lascannon sponsons

Fellblade Super-heavy Tank: amoured ceramite; Space Marine Legion Crew


4,085 points

I am planning on adding the following:
Calas Typhon (started)
20 Grave Warden (started)
10 Tactical Legionaires
Garro's command squad (with bespoke rules). 
2 Vindicators 

Iron Warriors
My Iron Warriors were my second Legion I wanted to do. I have painted the meat of the infantry now, but still have a fair amount to go. 
Delegatus: artificer armour; bolt pistol; thunder hammer; refractor field 

Nârik Dreygur 

4 Tactical Support Marines: meltaguns; + 1 Tactical Support Sergeant 

19 Tactical Space Marines: + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; combi-weapon; melta bombs) 

4 Tactical Support Marines: rotor cannons; + 1 Tactical Support Sergeant (melta bombs) 

9 Tactical Space Marines: + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist) 

Artillery Tank Squadron
• Basilisk: extra armour 
• Basilisk: extra armour 
• Basilisk: extra armour 

4 Heavy Support Marines: volkite culverins; hardened armour; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant 

4 Heavy Support Marines: lascannons; + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant (artificer armour; augury scanner; melta bombs) 


Still to do:
7 Iron Circle (own 6). 
10 Cataphractii Terminators. 
1 Falchion. 
1 Typhon. 
1 Rhino. 
Legion Specific units. 
Kyr Vhalen. 
Fire Raptor. 
3 Predators. 
Sicaran Venator. 

2,295 points

Chaos Daemons
My Daemons were the last project I did before I jumped into the Horus Heresy. It was very fun and I decided to go full Tzeentch (colourful, ever changing and clashing). I do want to find some time in the future to add to them, but the current codex is just horrible to play with (too long to set up and just ridiculous) 
Kairos Fateweaver

Lord of Change: Exalted Reward

The Blue Scribes

Heralds of Chaos
• The Changeling

20 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Instrument of Chaos; Icon of Chaos; Iridescent Horror (2× Lesser Reward) 
10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Instrument of Chaos; Icon of Chaos; Iridescent Horror (2× Lesser Reward) 

6 Flamers of Tzeentch: Pyrocaster (Greater Reward)
6 Flamers of Tzeentch: Pyrocaster (2× Lesser Reward)

6 Screamers of Tzeentch
6 Screamers of Tzeentch

Great Spined Beast. 

1,900 points

Vlka Fenryka
That's right, my favourite Legion has been started too :) currently at 3 wolves!

Legio Mortis + Secutarii cohort
As a co-owner of Titan Owners Club, I do need to mention my Mortis force that I want to do. 
Currently I have my Warlord Titan Bone Garland at a gaming standard. 
I have two Warhounds as Work in progress, as well as a Reaver in assembly. 
I also want to do a full Titan Guard force as well as Knight House Morbidia as allied detachments. Only thing holding me back is the fact they have no defined scheme yet for Mortis Secutarii or the Knight House. 

Future Projects
Well there are many!
Squats; when they strike out in 8th edition to claim some worlds (or realise that by sitting with their plunder in the centre of the galaxy means they are doomed if the Imperium falls). Can't imagine them doing them pre 13th Black Crusade at this stage if they are about to go past midnight. 
Eldar; I do want to do a sizeable Craftworld and kill it off in our Great Crusade. 
Tarellians; Come on GW! 
Sisters of Silence and Custodes; Got to do them. Probably as a group project though. 

Thanks for reading. 
Drake Seta


  1. If you don't mind me asking... what is the formula for your gold trim on the iron warriors? It's fantastic!

    1. Hi Keith. If you click the tab on the left "pre-heresy Iron Warriors" you will see a full painting guide for them.
      But in short; Vallejo Real Gold - Old Gold, with a thinned agrax earthshade wash.

  2. Some beautiful armies you have there. Still think your garro is and amazing center piece to your death guard.

    1. Thanks Gaunt. I did want it to be perfect as a gift for my son.

  3. Awesome!

    One day, the First and the Seventh will march together ;)

  4. Man that death guard army is a thing of beauty. It's a Big inspiration for my current growing one, Traitors only though, no Garro! :)

    1. Cheers Owen. 2 finalist pins and a FW best in show make them my most prized army (and to think the only reason I did them was because I was the last person to choose an army from the Betrayal book).

    2. I played 40k first and have a sizable death guard army there too, so it seemed only natural to go back in time to their 30k counter parts

  5. As a father of an almost three year old and and a three month old I'm looking at my collection and the future. I have all of the old versions of the specialist games and an thinking of selling them to buy the new versions.

    1. Hi Nogle. I would suggest it is a good idea, unless you are a pure citadel collector. Looking at the old BloodBowl minis now (whilst good for their time) are a completely different class compared to the sharp and fantastically 3D sculpted ones in the new edition. You will probably never use them again.

  6. Awesome! Especialy the Iron Warriors and the Warlord Titan!

    1. Thanks. I do want to get them done, but I need to spend some time on the Wolves now :)

  7. Group pictures of whole armies are always a source of inspiration for us collectors, but if I had to single out a squad or miniature, I'd go for the riot of colour of the Screamers of Tzeentch (impressive take it as you may) and the striking pose of Nârik Dreygur, a very characterful figure. Cheers.

    1. I do like the screamers. Mainly because I don't like the colours and hues. So unnatural or bizarre.

  8. Money money money :) but honestly great job!

    1. Thank you very much. Good thing is with this hobby, if you take into account the item you buy, and divide the cost by: the amount of hours you spend assembling, painting and gaming with it; it is one of the cheapest hobbies around :)

    2. True but i wish i could afford myself a World Titan :) but maby one day if im gonna win a lotery hehe :)

  9. Awesome collection. The Warlord is always a mindblowingly awesome model.

    One day... One day...

    I think you are holding out for something that will never happen, with waiting for Squats...

    1. Cheers :)

      They were written back into existence a few rulebooks ago. Sooooo why shouldn't they :)

  10. Beautiful work Drake, stunning Titan, Deathguard and Iron Warriors. Looking forward to your progress with the Titan Maniple! If I ever get time to concentrate on my Warllord wel'll have to do a 4vs4 titan smash down ;)

    1. Oh Dark Omnissiah yes. Will be a great day :)
