
Monday 8 August 2016

FW Bulletin: Lord of winter and war cometh

Hi all

The Forge World Bulletin has a lovely image of the Russ. 

Coming soon? There is no event soon! Surely he isn't going to be released as a regular Friday release?

Drake Seta


  1. Hopefully he is and regular Friday release is nice for those in the far places of the world getting goodies hot of the press.

  2. So if Russ is next up, and soon hopefully, who is next?

    I presume Magnus right? That leaves Dorn, Khan, and Sanguinius for Terra. Before then do you think we will see the Lion and Alpharius?

    After all your chats with staff at events what do you guys think will be the release order for the final 7?

    1. The general impression from chats was Magnus next then it depends on the book Alan is working on.

      The usual caveats apply as they do change their minds if the ideas don't flow enough.

    2. I would guess Magnus too, since somewhere it was mentioned that there was a potential dual base for the fight between Russ and Magnus

    3. I'm hanging out for Sanguinius and Dorn, but feel like they might be the last released?

      Unless, has anyone heard if they are doing Signus Prime?

  3. As a member of the 1st Legion, I must say he looks amazing.

  4. I cannot wait for this release!

  5. There's too much other stuff to come first, such as the seculatrii and the mastadon general release.

    He may end up being my first Primarch though. He looks great!

  6. AoS Open Day this weekend???

  7. Would they release him prior to the book??

    1. Maybe. Isn't that what they did with Ferrus Manus?

  8. Can't wait for him to release. And Bjorn, the (not a dreadnaught yet version) if they make a model for him. Then my wolves will be complete. Well at least until the create new shinny things for the wolves. Why is my wallet crying........

    1. I read somewhere that there is a big likelihood that Bjorn won't get rules in Inferno, due to him only really becoming a prominent figure at the very end of the Heresy era... :(

  9. The release date will probably coincide with the new GW 30k boxed set and the next FW Horus Heresy black tome. Just after the FW free shipping deal expires.

    1. That may not be a bad shout Doug.

    2. There are 3 fridays left within August i.e. during the free shipping timeframe, fingers crossed he will release during these 3 weeks. The real question is, how loose will FW be with their "soon" this time!

    3. I concur, he'll probably be released anywhere from November to December. If GW release their box set in say October, I'm sure GW will not want Russ being release for at least a month after the launch of the Prospero Boad Game. Then Russ and the FW's black tomb can be release with no "interference". I would not be shocked if the book and Russ are released on the same day, and it wouldn't surprise me if there's an event in October/November... like a HH WEEKENDER or WARHAMMERFEST.

    4. I would wager he comes before the end of the summer, with whoever is next coming at Christmas time. They've gone most of the summer without a significant character released for 30k, and they've been teasing Russ for a while

  10. Also, not too sure about the 4 wolf heads on his backpack... Though the rest of the model will probably outshine the backpack, the 4 wolf heads seems a bit much. His shoulderpad and armour will tell me he's of the Space Wolves.
