
Saturday 10 September 2016

Horus Heresy Word Bearers: Anakatis Kul Blade-Slaves

Howdy Guys and Girls,

Today I'll take you on the first step to a journy full of madness and warp-taint. Of course I'm speaking about the chaos-corrupted elements of my Word Bearers. I started with my Blade Slaves as these just need two models to be finished - but there is more to come ... hope you enjoy them :)

Anakatis Kul Blade-Slaves

Bearers of the Blessed Blades, Hosts of the Unspoken Demons, Honourguard of the Crimson Apostle

There were always those who hungered for power beyond their appointed measure, even amongst the Legiones Astartes long before the dark days of the Horus Heresy. After their humiliation and censure by the Emperor and the XIIIth Legion, this became doubly so within the Word Bearers Legion as the sting of their fall left many within their ranks feeling powerless and cast adrift from the bedrock of their beliefs. 

For the Legion as a whole this would mark the start of a perilous path and for some within its ranks, it ignited a hunger that could not be denied. It was on such morbid cravings that Zardu Layak, the Crimson Apostle of the Chapter of the Unspeaking, preyed, with baleful gifts in mind to bestow on those whose ambition outweighed their caution, and whose hubris overwhelmed their fear. These gifts were the Anakatis blades, dark relics of the time before Mankind, weapons which must be ritually given and freely accepted to work their doom for such unearthly might do they promise to any warrior who grasps them, but only if that warrior's spirit and will are strong enough to master the beast within the blade - it never was, Zardu Layak saw to that ....

Note: Corrupted power armour, identifiable parts of Mark VI and Mark IV Destroyer Sub Pattern.

Note: Anakatis Blades. Only two of these weapons are known to exist. Believed to have been discovered by the Crimson Apostle, rammed through the chest of a towering alien-carcass mummified by untold millennia on a dead world on the very edge of the Ghoul Stars, years before the outbreak of the Heresy.

Note: Sinister and coiling entities have been trapped within the blades by some Xenos long ago, entities that whisper promises of untold might and power, but such promises are only bought at a terrifying price to both body and soul.

Hope you liked the first two possessed - stay tuned for next week - hopefully with Zardu Layak :)

Lady Atia


  1. They look awesome! How did you do the green blades please?

    1. Hey :) Glad you like them!

      It's basically:

      - black
      - Biel-Tan green wash
      - highlightes with Caliban Green
      - more highlightes with moot green
      - build them up with more white :)

      it's actually the same technique GW used for their Dark Eldar - black base and coloured edges :)

    2. Many thanks for the recipe and apologies for belated thanks!

      I'm considering some gal vorbak for developing into fabius bile's terata for a shattered legion force :D

  2. What's the fluf behind these guys? I know it's something to do with swords and slaves but that's about it.

    1. Hey buddy =)

      All the fluff that's knows is already in the post. Basically, they are weak Marines that got tricked by Zardu Layak to take the blades. If something would be strong enough, he could controll the daemon and basically become a Super-Gal-Vorbak. Well, these guys couldn't ,,,^^

    2. Nice! Thanks for boiling it down for me. So did any succeed in controlling the deamons?

    3. Nope. Layak always made sure to give the blades to over-arrogant marines who'd be unable to control the daemons.

  3. Can't wait to see Layak with them. They look awesome already. You worked out how you will do his staff yet?

    1. Glad you like them =)

      Tbh I'm not quite sure - I'll probably keep the staff like hte FW version, but with my flames. And he will get a red armour. I get why FW choosed to paint him grey, but my personal thinking is that even Destroyers/Ashen Circle would re-paint their armour in the red of betrayal. Also, he is described as "smearing blood on his armour every day" even before the HH started :P

  4. These look fantastic. D'you think you'd be willing to do a guide for how you painted them at some point? I've been meaning to do a Word Bearers army focused around Zardu Layak for months, and this might finally give me the motivation to get started!

    1. Hey :)

      It's already planned, actually, I want to do a "How to paint a WB Librarian who summons a Khorne Daemon" Guide :)

    2. Yeah, I definitely picked up that event Librarian for that exact purpose...

  5. You must worship Chaos a bit to achive this level of painting...

    Paint for the paint God, brushes for the hairy throne!

  6. Great job, however IMHO I would consider repainting the plasma pistols, the membrane is receded thus the light should not be capable of enveloping the whole surface.
