
Thursday 1 September 2016

Kaelo Rylanus; Raven Guard Praetor

Hola bunnies!

Tonight I will be showing you all the finished Praetor for my Raven Guard! The kitbash is based on a Dark Fury body. I switched the shoulder pads around to make it look slightly different. I used a plastic head (which I believe is from a 40k Blood Angel) and he is armed with a MKIV plasma pistol and MKIII Thunder hammer. I used 2 arms from a 40k assault squad (MKVI).

I decided to go for a thunder hammer to make him stand out a bit more from the rest of the Dark Furies. It also adds a bit more of a bite to the squad against armour or multi-wound units.

Here is the Praetor and his retinue fighting on Pyrelix IV. A Mechanicum Forge World which refused to embrace the Imperium of man.

The Dark Furies split from their Lord and charge the Thanatar.

The Praetor charged the Thallax.

The day was won by the decisive, rapid actions of the Raven Guard. Lord Corax will be proud.

I hope that you have enjoyed my post. I have a few more units coming up and then I will do a post showing the whole army together before I start focusing on my Ultramarines and a very narrative campaign that I am massively excited for. 

Until next time. Stay fluffy!



  1. Man, the more stuff I see for all the other legions the more I get the 'grass is greener' symptoms lol. Much as I love the Ultramarines (I have 8000+ points of them); I am constantly finding myself wondering what is special about them... These guys just look so awesome I want them for myself! XD

    1. All the grass is just different shades of green. Interlocking Tactics, Certainty and Resolve, and Invictarus Suzerain are some pretty strong first glance things for the Ultramarines before getting into the finer points.

    2. The suzerains are amazing; I often use a squad of 10 when I field them; the certainty and resolve I guess is just underwhelming in my area where my usual opponents are salamanders, iron warriors, and death guard, all of whom have better leadership modifiers than UM; and interlocking tactics are a great rule!( I just wish I could roll less 2's when I get to use it lol)

    3. Gonna get them all ;)

      Ultramarines have the cool "rome" feeling about them. Also a lovely blue paint scheme. And awesome Breachers. Have I told you they have awesome Breachers?^^

      The Raven Guard on the otherside .... well they have awesome mark VI beakies, winged jump packs and polinesian-style markings. And helmet stripes! Everyone loves helmet stripes ^.^

    4. I keep hearing people talk about the UM's having awesome breachers, but I don't really understand what sets them apart. I know we have access to power swords on every guy, which admittedly looks cool, but with the shields and the fact that it costs points to get rid of their bolter is it really worth it? I know you guys usually play more for fluff than points -> effectiveness style, but I don't see the attraction on the breachers. :( I don't mean to sound like a nay-sayer, and I realize that I am; I just am struggling with the desire to start a second legion that I don't have the money or space for lol

    5. I can't wait to do my Ultramaines! Doing a theme for them which is going to be cool (for me at least).

  2. He (and his bodyguard) looks great buddy :)

    Deliverence will not be lost this day! :P

  3. Can we have some better pictures of the model itself? Seems a little lost in all but the last one.

    1. No problems Rory. I will add some in a short while :)

  4. Great models, the style of the post is good too!

    1. Cheers Col. I will try to maintain the style going forward.
