
Tuesday 27 September 2016

Kaelo Rylanus; Raven Guard Scorpius

  Hello all!

Back this evening with another post showing a completed unit from my Raven Guard army. After some play testing with Aveinus, against his Iron Hands, prior to the Throne of Skulls event, it became very obvious that my army needed a bit of armoured support and a 'threat' unit to draw some of the enemies firepower. After throwing a few options around a Scorpius became a very strong contender (I dismissed Jet Bikes and Javelins as - in my opinion - they are a bit pap).

Here is Stormbeak eyeing up some traitors at the planet Anuupis months after the flee from Istvaan V. Much of the Raven Guards armoured might was destroyed during the extermination but Stormbeak was retrieved and fought alongside the shattered legions. It is rumoured to have even been under the command of Meduson during those blighted times, enforcing his will to destroy the heretics in droves.

The Scorpius is a lovely kit that went together easily enough. It was painted using the same method as the rest of my army and I used the Forge World transfers to bring in some detail to break up the black. 

Mission accomplished:

It performed well during the Throne of Skulls weekend, its range and AP making it a fantastic choice when fighting Marines, Mechanicum or Solar Auxillia. 

Time to cheese it!!

I hope that you have enjoyed looking at my latest unit. Check back soon for my next unit - a Raven Guard Veteran Squad.

Until next time, stay fluffy!!



  1. I'm looking at the last picture and the circular access door. Was it difficult putting the large transfers over the sawtoothed side door joints? Did you have to place the transfer, let it dry, and then use a x-acto knife to cut the transfer at and around the joint? I'm assuming then you had to re-wet the transfer to get it lay down into the groove. Am I close?

    1. We used Micro set and Micro sol. Push down with wet sponge and then with a sharp scalpel cut the mid detail away. I am not massively good with transfers so Drake helped me out here.

  2. A solid choice sir. I use for my Sons of Horus, and my friend spams 2, worth their weight in gold. If you use just the one, your friends will still like you at the end of the game lol.

    1. Yeah they are very effective. I can see why people would be annoyed with more than that lol. Glad they don't come in squadrons!!

  3. Awesome work mate. Keep it up! Have you considered glossing the vehicle and the dullcoting it to hid the transfer edge?

    1. Cheers mate. I have, but to be honest it will happen when I revisit the army in the future now. I have thoroughly enjoyed the army and glad to have a complete army but blog demands make it very difficult to see projects through to full completion lol. Unfortunately even my Ultramarines will be getting delayed as other priorities have become apparent.

  4. It looks excellent mate, the transfers look great over the doors in particular!

    1. Thanks buuuuuddy! Great suggestion on your part...FW should thank you too as it led to me buying 3 Medusas as a replacement to go in to my UM army.

  5. Looks awesome and a great unit choice to support the forward elements of the army!

  6. Lovely work and with the door transfer too. Have you considered painting the launcher barrel vent fairing bits like 'beak' as its called StormBeak? They look a lot like beaks? Great job.
