
Monday 12 September 2016

Sons of Horus Mastodon

Hello all!

Last week I was able to get my Mastodon finished off. It is a big tank!! I enjoyed painting it but I'm pleased it is finished, holding the tank while painting was also difficult due to the weight of it! Hopefully I will be able to get it onto the tabletop for some gaming in the next couple of weeks, I'm interested to see how it performs.

As you may have seen through the rest of my updates, I have also been painting up the interior of the tank. I have essentially painted the inside the same as the outside but I have picked out as many of the small details that I can to add to the overall look.

Overall I'm really pleased with how it has come together. It makes a great centre piece to my Sons of Horus First Company and it will be fun driving loads of Justaerin around the board! 

Happy hobbying!



  1. Beautifully done. So happy to be seeing these tanks showing up now!

    1. Thanks Greg! It's great seeing the different ways in which it is getting painted!

  2. Those mastodons are certainly beasts! Nice paint job and well done for taking the time to do the interior properly. Will look awesome on the battlefield and judging by the armaments it carries, should be quite devastating!

    1. They are big beasts! Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing how it does on the table top!

  3. Now all we need is a blood angles player to convert the one from the book about signus which had the top blown off and was being used as a pimp car by the blood angles that had succumb to the black rage.

  4. I really really want one now. Well done. It looks great.

  5. This is a truly great model mate. Really pleased you got it painted so quick too!

    1. Yeah me too! The first company paint scheme lends itself well to quicker paint jobs!

  6. fantastic model but its going to be difficult to fit it into a list :P

    1. That it is! 3000 points minimum to get it on the table. I have a silly list of Abaddon, 30 Justaerin, a spartan and the mastodon only! 2 big tanks driving forwards and dropping the Justaerin on your door step!

  7. Looks superb. Really turned great and fits the army marvelously. If only mine would be shipped now that would be great.

    1. Thanks very much! I'm really pleased with how it fits with the rest of the army! Send us some pictures when yours arrives and you get a chance to paint it up! I would love to see how it turns out!

  8. Looks awesome! I'm going to convert myself one using a landraider and a predator once I've got the rest of my stuff painted!!

  9. Great job! I'm liking the colour scheme, gives me some ideas on how to paint mine for my wolves

    1. Thank you! It will go nicely with the wolves I think!
