
Saturday 1 October 2016

Adeptus Titanicus and more Titan information.

Hi all. Here is some more info coming out of the European Weekender:

First book is based on the events of Titandeath which enabled Horus to reach Terra. 

There will be more books (like with the Black book series). 

They want to do Psi-Titans and Nemesis 

Reaver is sculpted already Cerastus is next. 

Loyal versions of the Subjugator will be done in New Epic scale first (as well as Knights). 

The Subjugator is a "Light Titan"

Game is based around 5 Titans a side + Plus Knights

Teleporting Warprunners "they can" maybe Legio specific rules. 

3 modes to play (like AoS). 

Lady Atia


  1. Did they give any info on which legions are involved in 'Titandeath?'

    1. Hey :)

      Legio Mortis, Firebrands, Warprunners, and another one from an old WD, something with Nova are there. Also they want to do a scenario for the battle for the magma city on mars :)

    2. Please do magma city, Please do magma city, Please do magma city, Please do magma city, Please do magma city, Please do magma city, Please do magma city, Please do magma city.....

    3. It's planned to be a legendary scenario :P

    4. MAGMA CITY!!!! Woohoo!
      Now i need them to take their time on this.. i have a lot of skitarii/mechanicus/mechanicum/knights/genestealer-cults/terrain to work on and buy first. But this is going to be soooo cool!

  2. Warlord and Questoris Knights are done. WL size is between Leviathan and Questoris.

  3. Oh, sounds good! Is Darren sculpting the Titans? Or is it the specalist guys?

    1. Andy is doing only SG stuff now. It seems like some stuff like the Warlord are scaled down. New stuff will be sculpted for AT though.

  4. Since they are scaling down models, will they be doing the missing weapon options for AT and then scaling them up?

    1. Its actually not as easy to "scale them up", so they would have to do them extra for 28mm scale.

    2. If it is not as easy to scale up does this mean we will see any of the new studf in 28mm?

    3. They want to do it, but it will take longer to do the 28mmm versions :)

  5. A M A Z I N G.... can't wait. I loved AT in the original guise when I was a school lad.

  6. Did they mention any expected release dates?

    1. First half of next year

    2. Sounds like it's slipped. Was originally slated for release at the HH weekender.

    3. Yeah, well it looks like the SG have some .... less freedom for release slots. The BB box is done and there should be a FB announcement soon (in theory)

    4. It's been slipped for a while then; when I was speaking to the FW guys next to the AT poster at Warhammerfest they said it "was at least a year off" and that was back in May.

  7. Thanks so much for the updates, all very exciting. Any word if the Titans will be resin or plastic like the blood bowl release?

    1. Resin.

      Maybe, one day, if it sells well. But there will be a "big box" with rules, plastic markers and special dice and scenery.

  8. Oh and to highlite it - all the old chaos slaanesh knights/titans will get done as loyalist variants. AT first, 28mm later hopefully.

    1. It seems interesting that they've decided to reclass the Subjugater as a "light Titan" rather than the Knight is was previously. Any idea why?

    2. The new heavy knight is just about Titan sized with only two main weapon hard points. I suspect, they couldn't make it convicting without hitting Warhound size. Bear in mind, FW were working on knights prior to the GW knight. It kind of stole there thunder a bit.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. There always were larger slaaneshi engines - these are light titans now. I think the smaller ones are still knights though

    5. I'm not sure that I'm down with this...but I know that FW will do a great job and sway me anyway :'(

  9. the subjugator sounds interesting. My guess is a three void sheild, three Warhound class weapon Chasis @1000ish points mark.

  10. Any thoughts on the old add-on parts like the old fire towers, devotional bells, weapon heads and the like? I'm really excited about the game, especially when you mentioned the battle for Magma City.

    1. No clue, I think they will try to get the basic range out first.

      And AT sounds awesome. Its based on a 5 titans maniple, and if you have smaller titans than your enemy, you get strategems to make it fair (Warhounds - charge!). Also lots of tactical stuff, from shields to machine spirit traits and reactors, played via cards and plastic markers :)

    2. I hope it's a tactical, strategy game. I hope it Will be fun playing in 28mm.

    3. If you get enough titans and room :)


    4. Enough titans....two legions worth to many? Gota have someone to fight against ;)

    5. Room is easy, hire a hall.
      Titans are easy ask TOC (Titan Owers Club)
      Terrian is hard.... You need a lot of buildings or large hill/rocky outcrops to make a good battle ground for Titans. Then you need to store it after...
