
Wednesday 8 March 2017

No Retreat Horus Heresy


This weekend sees SN Battle Reports host the first Horus Heresy No Retreat in Gibraltar, I was lucky enough to secure a place at the event and I am really looking forward to it! The event is a weekend of  5 games with 2500 point armies. SN really go all out for these events and I have followed the 40k events that they have done in the past and they have all looked amazing! Check out the event on SN Battle Reports website.

The event invite arrived in the post this week and it is incredibly awesome!

All the participants received a personalised Oath of Moment  and a set of dog tags. Plus 3 SN dice.

I am taking my Sons of Horus First Company with me, With Horus leading 28 Justaerin and 2 Contemptors into battle. It is a very elite force but they usually pack a real punch and are surprisingly resilient.

The event will have a game from each round streamed live on the SN Facebook page. A schedule of the planned feeds is already up if you want to know when you can watch. They also have a selection of pictures of the tables that will be in use and as with everything they do the quality is really high and they look like they will be great fun to play on.

The SN team also have the next Horus Heresy No Retreat planned, so keep your eyes out for the opening of applications if you you're interested!

Happy hobby!



  1. Good luck at the event. I know King fluff is down there too!

    1. He certainly is! He will be using his mechanicum which I really could do with some practice against as they are a very tough opponent and not a great match up for my list!

  2. Have fun and enjoy the time there!
    Having been lucky enough to attend No Retreat 4, I can tell you it was a blast!

    Just watch out for the monkeys! ;-)


  3. I'm curious, what's the exact list you're using? This looks absolutely fantastic btw.

    1. Rite of War:
      Primarch's Chosen

      Horus the Warmaster

      Justaerin Terminator Squad
      - 4 Additional Justaerin
      - 5 Combi-weapon (Plasma)
      - Heavy Flamer
      - 4 Power Fists
      - 2 Lightning claw pairs

      Justaerin Terminator Squad
      - 4 Additional Justaerin
      - 5 Combi-weapon (Melta)
      - Multi-melta
      - 1 Power Fists
      - 2 Chain Fists
      - 2 Lightning claw pairs

      Justaerin Terminator Squad
      - 5 Additional Justaerin
      - 2 Reaper Autocannon
      - 2 Power Fists
      - 1 Chain Fists
      - 5 Lightning claw pairs

      Contemptor Dreadnought
      - Multi-melta
      - Dreadnought Close combat weapon with built in heavy flamer
      - Extra Armour

      Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought
      - Two Kheres pattern assault cannon
      - Extra Armour

  4. Very nice box. Good luck to your Legion!

  5. Hi! Unrelated question but... what's the battle mat we can see on the last 2 pictures? Thanks!

    1. It's from Deep-Cut Studio urban ruins or city ruins I think!

  6. That box is HAWT HAWT HAWT. Seriously good customer service.

  7. It would be a blast if you did an after-action report with a few pictures. You are sure to find some incredibly well-painted armies over there, and it's going to be a great gaming exsperience. :-) Cheers.

  8. Darien, your Horus looks absolutely beautiful. He will surely cause many jaws to drop, and kill many loyalist scumbags as he does so. Ezekyle is jerking tears that he isn't alongside his Warmaster and all of those Justaeren. Have a great time and best of luck.
