
Sunday 5 November 2017

Weekly Progress Report 05/11/2017

Hi all

A busy week for all, so only a little amount of hobby progress has been made. 

Darien has been working on his Zone Mortalis this week! All 24 tiles now have all base coats on. Work has started on painting the pipes on to of each tile!

Atia continued to work on the Death Guard - this week a Tallyman (formerly known as Master of Signal of the First Great company) got finished! Next on the painting table is an Apothecary and some Poison Ship officers. 

Kaelo has kitbashed an Ogor Tyrant from an Orruk Megaboss!

And I have managed to find one hour after finishing work to plod on with the Sector Mechanicus terrain I have been amassing. 

Drake Seta


  1. I'd imagine you're pretty jazzed that the Necromunda bulkheads will be compatible with Forgeworld Zone Mortalis passages. Cheaper and sturdier than buying the resin bulkheads.

    1. Not so much, I already own a chunk of the resin ones!! But seriously it's good news and I hope we see some more parts compatible with Zone Mortalis kits.

  2. What size of zone mortalis boards do you all own/intend to expand to? Sounds like this one is a 6x4.

    I managed to pick up a 4x4 for pretty cheap with the intention of bulking out to 6x4 but does the game get better at even bigger sizes?

    1. I do indeed own a 6x4. The bigger board will allow for bigger games, as well as more themed narrative missions as well. Plus I couldn't resist owning a full 6x4!!

  3. Love the weathered metal on the Tallyman!
