
Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Legio Mortis Reaver: Death Knell almost complete

Hi all. 

Thoroughly enjoyed this project! It is winding down now which is both awesome and sad. I know another Engine is getting close to being release, and after this I’m going to find it hard not to buy it!

All that is left to do is a few spots of exhaust airbrushing, hydraulic grime, the head optics and the wires by the crotch. 

I have sorted the knee pad out with some white spirits

And the Void Shields are done. 

Just awaiting the banner chain too (hopefully one day this week) and then she will be ready for her photo shoot. 

One other thing. . . I have something BIG!!! to show tomorrow, so please stop by and be amazed!

Drake Seta


  1. Hi Drake. Looks awesome. Great work.

    As discussed yesterday here my technique for the golden rub n buff.

    As I painting Legio astorum a perfect gold is a must have in the colorsheme. I do this after painter everything else. After transfers, after painting the backside of the armour panel and after the varnish. I found out that you couldn’t varnish it because it is stealing the shine.

    I paint the undercoat with tin bitz / warplock bronze. Then I use a strong brush. I cut down a dry brush so that ist only 1 or 2 mm left. A flat top. So I can apply enough pressure to rub it on. The base coat have to be dried some time. The gold is applied from the edged to the center in 90 degree to the outside. This have to dry a few days. That’s critically important, otherwise it come of. When there falls dust from the gold on the armour panel don’t swipe it - blow it away. The small detail I’m doing with the GW dry gold - I think it’s golden griffon.

    After it is dry you can weather it with oil paint the normal way. GW inks don’t work, as they just pool around.

    It works perfect for me.


    1. That sounds really awesome. Next time I find myself with a gold trimmed model of large scale I will give it a try.

  2. Looking great! I’m well jel. Suppose I should just krak on and finish Dominus Victoria really! I know... got distracted with a Knight, but still on the painting table (well next to it, it’s huge!) Can’t wait to see you Maniple at the Walk UK

  3. Btw, what’s the charge for some Legio Astorum banners for my Warlord? I want some ;)

    1. Hi Siph. For you I will do for freeee! Gimme a few months though lol

  4. What is this new Engine you speak of being released soon? The new Acastus Mechanicum Knight? Or something else?

    1. There is another Battle Titan being wrought in 28mm and AT scale.

  5. the God-Engine looks absolutely incredible. Gaaaaah, yeah I've been on the fence a while and this might be the push to toss me over the edge.

    Hey, mind a few questions for a build of that scale? I've done a T-hawk before and it was pretty easy, but with something like a god engine I'm kinda concerned on balance and the like. There a lot of flexibility in the stride positioning or does it really need the heavy-set stance to support the upper body weight?

    Can't wait to see how the banner chain and the like gets anchored. Thanks again, eh!

    1. Yes you are right. You need to have a clear plan before positioning as you’ve got flexibility without any restrictions. I have googled before to find the perfect positions. To make it more easy I use a bubble level (like one you use for record player calibration) for alignment of the legs and hips. The hips I position in horizontal balance so you can build them separated from the upper body.

      For the strong stand I use m5 insert nuts within the food so I can screw it to the base from the underside. I pin nearly every part with brassrods 1 to 4 mm. The structural parts I bond with 2k epoxy.

    2. Aaaah that's a really good idea with the level. I may have to look up some of the previous posts to scope out the sub assembly there, eh? Because man, Reavers just look excellent... and that enormous mat for the Titan walk is all to die for. Seriously wicked stuff.

      Hmm, great thought with the full-blown nuts and bolts idea, I guess a 2K epoxy would work to keep those solidly in place then too, very cool. Aye, after using 2-mm brass, I can easily get how you might need stronger with a build like that.

      Seriously, thanks a ton mate! Aye, there'll be a Reaver in my shop's next FW order. It's just absolutely excellent.
