
Sunday, 29 July 2018

House Malinax Knights Progress 29/07/2018

Well. It’s a bit bittersweet that I am using components that are no longer on sale, writing a painting guide to support a Knight House which you will shortly no longer buy transfers for. 

Well I decided to use 3 of the Mechanicum Knight heads for my Knight Banner, as well as the WHW exclusive one too. I think they are great designs (something 5th Element about them). 

The models will have some black and/or red armour pieces, to help showcase the transfers and pay homage to the art work in Inferno, Retribution and other art works. 

The colours are once again a bit saturated here, really looking forward to the weathering stage now. 

Drake Seta


  1. Looking good takes me all my time doing one knight lett alone a household keep it up

    1. It’s damn difficult doing 5 at a time. I keep looking at them and wondering what I have done each day lol.

  2. Looking good, assembling a Malinax lance myself at the moment. Wish I had picked up more heads at the FW open day earlier in the month as I didn't know they went LCTB soon after.

  3. Your Knights look great so far - looking forward to seeing the next steps.
    I just finished my first four Questoris Malinax Knights (Renegade Box, Magaera and Chaos Knight) and I know the amount of work you have to pour into those Models :)

  4. Hey Drake, very inspired by your Malinax banner, any more updates coming?
