
Monday, 2 July 2018

Siege wall complete 02/07/2018: Complete

Hi all

With much thanks to my Mum and Step Dad for their help, I managed to finish the Siege wall just before the Titan Owners Club Walk UK 2018. 

So as you can see I managed to finish a very long siege wall. In total it has 9x 2ft complete sections, 3x 2ft collapsed sections and a 2ft collapsed extender and a 2ft game. So in total 28ft of a great defensive structure. 

These were the paints I mixed all together to give me the wall colour. 

I sprayed sporadic Halfords grey primer, Mournfang Brown and Zandri dust over each piece before the airbrush stage, to break the colour up. 

As you can see, some of the base spray comes through. 

I then used T spacers to create the Iron overlaps present on the walls. These were purchased from:

These were sanded down slightly to promote adhesion with paint. 

Then the walk! 

Overall I am pleased with the shape and size of it. I will be adding some further edge highlighting, chipping, weathering and sprayed insignia before the next event to help it pop. 

So happy to walk away from it now though lol



  1. Absolutely stunning bit of scenery!!
    Will there be a battle report from the day?

  2. A very impressive accomplishment, both in quantity and quality. Well done!

    1. Thanks! The time and effort that went in to it was truly insane. Now I have to find a suitable way to store it.

  3. Simply amazing. Imagine if Warhammer World joined up with the owners club to run a Walk.

  4. Superb efforts, worth it, it was a great tactical objective and scenery that actually sheltered Warhounds!

  5. Amazing commitment, hope the Walk was a success.

    1. It was absolutely awesome. Can’t wait for the next.

  6. Very impressive. I did not thing you would manage to finish it of to this standard in the amount of time you had. Now you just need some 90 deg joints to make it more dynamic. You might also add some banners hanging down from the crenelations to give it some more color. All in all a master piece.

    1. Ooooh mr Agis, you do like to push the limits :)
      Yes. I have allowed this terrain piece to be ultra modular / stackable. I intend to mount gun platforms (which can be added and removed), landing pads, command bunkers, Void shield ports, slight angle change sockets and as you say, removable banners for the crenellations coloured depending on alignment. It’s definitely something I can build on. :)

  7. The wall is just so epic! I love that even Warlords can only just peak over the top!
