
Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Adeptus Titanicus reviews on the 11th

Hi all

Pre-orders for Adeptus Titanicus are on the 11th as we know now. Fortunately our site have had a whole month by that point to prepare content for a review, as we have been provided with samples of the rules and a mighty Warlord Titan (which I have painted in Legio Mortis colours). We are now allowed to say we have a sample and that on the 11th we will be able to share our experience and opinion of Adeptus Titanicus so far. 

I have made gunshield transfers for my Legio Mortis Warlord Titans (lots of variations) with chequers stripes of varying angles. Come back and see them in my painting guide on pre order day. 

See you on the 11th midday to hear our thoughts on this awesome game. 


  1. Oh dear... the pull is becoming stronger.. at £55-60 for a Warlord its become more appealing, i was expecting £85-90 like a Knight so happier. The main game also looks like a bargain at £175 for two and Knights and Rules and Buildings so might have to add that to the to-do pile (at least secure a box for painting later)

    1. Totally. I’m going for 4 Mortis Warlords and 1 Legio Defensor Warlord. The terrain from a few GM boxes should set you well for a decent sized battlefield.

    2. . . . let go Siph . . .

      The AT is strong with this one.

  2. I know you guys are the right ones to ask.

    Which Titan Legion is the best to go with Knight House Malinax?

  3. I'm looking at picking two GM box sets right away. Looking forward to your guide and I love the idea of the decals for the shields.

    1. You still into tempestus Jon?

    2. Col. I sold my Tempestus Titans and have regretted it since. I may paint my new ones back to Tempestus, but this time add lights and effects.
