
Sunday, 19 August 2018

WarhammerFest Europe 2018 pics and info day 2

Hi all

A reader by the name of Marcus has been very helpful by getting some great pics from Warhammer Fest Europe 2018 on day 2. 

I will be adding some other cool snippets through the day as he sends them. 

Adeptus Titanicus Models by the White Dwarf Team. 

Primaris Space Wolves:

Rogue Trader models are on show. So excited for this release!

Some great kit bashes on show. 

Space Marine Heroes!

That stunning Destroyed Warlord Terrain. Great pics Marcus. 


  1. Can’t wait for the release of the Reaver and Warhound. Hope that weapons sprues will follow on quickly after these models are released.

    1. I'm really looking forward to getting my claws on that Warhound kit. So cute!

    2. I can’t wait either. The Weapon sprue for Warlord I would like to see sooner though. Really want some different heads and armaments.

  2. According to whispers in the field Warhound is incoming in two month with four weapon options included

    The Reaver is joining the fight next month.

    Weapon kits will be here maybe at the end of this or beginning of next year.

    Other chassis are still a long wait.

  3. Thanks Marcus, that is awesome news!

  4. Is that crashed Warlord Legio Victorum?

    1. There are no legion markings on it. But for the yellow brown head, blue armor and the bright yellow strips I would guess Legio Astorum.

  5. I like how that second photo looking down on the Titan makes the 40k minis on the shelf below look properly scaled to the Titans.
