
Monday, 3 December 2018

Blackstone Fortress: Ur-Ghul

Hi all

I just had a night where I wanted an easy win. I was late home, and not in the mood for making buildings or painting Morty. So with a huge Blackstone Fortress box to still plough through I decided to take on 4 Ur-Ghul models following Peachy’s painting guide. 

Undercoat White. 

Wash with a mix of 1 part Coelia Greenshade and 2 parts Lahmian. 

Drybrush with Ulthuan Grey. 

Wash the teeth, nostril eyes and hands with Druchi Violet (one hand at a time and using a Drybrush to soften the merge line whilst it is still wet). 

A bit of bloodletter over the nostril eyes and follow it up with a little highlight of Ulthuan Grey again to pick out the details. 

Great fun and easy. 


  1. Love these - who'd have thought just a few washes would be so effective?! White claws & teeth then a few liver spots and they'll be done! :)
