
Saturday, 26 January 2019

Little man’s first model

Hi all

It’s a proud father moment today for me. My son who is now 4 years old was given his first Space Marine in Games Workshop Milton Keynes today. 

As usual when we occasionally pop in to the store, my son Nate likes to look at all of the displays and models, or help me grab the paints I need from the paint shelf to take to the counter. The staff always talk and interact with him which I love, as he already feels comfortable talking to them all. One staff member today even opened the display cabinet out and showed some of the more prestigious models to him, told him a bit about each, and even answered questions. 

Just before we left he was given his first Primaris Marine in a little box, and they asked him what colours he was going to paint the Marine.
“Purple!” Nate responded, and all gathered looked at one another trying to work out which Chapter it could be (it’s Genestealer Purple if any out there can make a Chapter suggestion to fit with this scheme). 

(Doesn’t pose well for photos lol). 

We then went home to paint a Tyranosaurus Rex and Primaris Marine Purple.

I managed to show him how to thin paints and carefully sat there next to him, not interfering and letting him paint his own mini. He’s good at holding the brush too (in the silver zone), so all in all a fun and memorable day. 


  1. Looks amazing! Just needs a small Agrax wash! That’s how uncle Kaelo finishes every model lol!

  2. A quick scroll through the Pictorial List of Space Marine Chapters on Lexicanum turned up the Hawk Lords, Imperial Stars, Invictors, Liberators, and Silver Guard as canonical Loyalist Chapters who use purple for the majority of their colour scheme.

    An excellent choice, if I do say so myself, and also, your boy looks a bit like my nephew.

    1. Cheers WestRider. Some good options there. I think Liberators are my favourite of them, but I will wait to see which he likes best.

  3. At least he’ll never have money for drugs, alcohol or cigs, just plastic Krak... in a few years we’re gonna see another Titan Legion in the Seta Household...

  4. Hawk Lords:

    Both extremely classy looking.

  5. That's great to see and I vote Hawk Lords 😁
