
Sunday, 24 March 2019

Weekly Progress Report: 24-03-2019

Hi all

Another good Horus Heresy week for us. It is nice to be back in the full swing of things.

Ikthelion hasn’t had much in the way of hobby time this week, but managed to assemble an Arcus tank... a little bit of gap filling but overall a nice kit!

Hector has made some progress on his Thousand Sons this week. He's built some of his characters and is setting up ready to build everything else in batch.

Darien has been testing paint schemes for his new project using Greenstuff World colour changing paint.

After a long break from the hobby Castiel has been busy assembling his alpha legion forces. Look out for more posts in the near future.

So, enough about us, how about you?


  1. Built some Harlequins in a last minute decision to compete in my local GW campaign/tournament in an effort to get back into gaming. Went 3 for 3 so just rewarded them with an undercoat whilst the weather was good.
    Corax white just ran out though 😐 so it's back to my HH Raven Guard ironically.

  2. Still loving these updates.

  3. Worked on a Blood Angels kit bashed Praetor and my Adeptus Titanicus Warlord.

  4. Planned what parts I need to order for my space wolves watch pack!!
