
Thursday, 2 May 2019

Legio Fureans - Adeptus Titanicus


If you read my last post you will know that I painted my Zone Mortalis board and it pretty much killed my drive to get anything painted!

But then came a new game!

I was not very high on the prospect of Adeptus Titanicus, however Drake invited me to join him for a tester game. I pretty much fell in love with straight away! I was really impressed by the rule set and how fun it was to play. Needless to say I ending up ordering the Grand Master addition of the game!!

The quality of the game had me really excited to get painting again and so as some as I had it a set about getting the Warlord Titans done. I had settled on Legio Fureans, their aggressive nature fitting my style of play, plus the scheme looked like fun to paint.

So here it is the model that brought back my hobby mojo!

And with the base completed;

I now own 2 Warlords, 6 Reavers and 10 Warhounds!! Which are all started but this Warlord stands as the only fully completed model in my mini Legio! Overall very happy with how he looks and looking forward to completing the some point! Night Lords are currently distracting me form these guys! 

What are your Legio's of choice and your thoughts on the game?


1 comment:

  1. I’ve played one game ahead of the TitanOwnersClub Walk in June so I’ll know the rules and I love it. Question is now do I copy my 28mm scale Legio Astorum or do I go a home brew or different Legio all together, even Traitor like Fureans?
