
Saturday, 9 November 2019

Necromunda: Dark Uprising Unboxing

Hi all

Got our paws on the new Necromunda box early.

Firstly I am absolutely shocked about how much stuff is actually in this box and how tall it actually is!

I like the double sided mat so much I have sourced 2x more for a Titan Hanger floor. It is slightly shiny and has a wipe clean style quality/material to it. I am hoping to get the creases out with an Iron and sheet when I decide to mount them in the hanger.

The reverse looks great too. Only issue I can really pick up on is that it is not exactly 2x2ft, but it is perfect for a pick up and play gaming mat though.

The enforcers are a fantastic looking force. I have decided to get a gang of these too now, as they are just too awesome looking to not do them. There are 2 of one sprue and 1 of another.

Possibly one of the best looking gangs in Necromunda in my opinion. The Corpse Grinder Cults are just gorgeous.

I am looking really fond to getting these assembled and see how they measure up to my resin Zone Mortalis board.

Yes yes yes!! Finally some Imperial Aquila free doors! Must buy many more!!

These railings and ladders are fantastic terrain pieces. I am really looking forward to getting these done.

 I am really hoping to find a way to turn these into a stairwell which appears to go further into the ground too.

Cracking set of pipes which we have all seen before.

Details look good, but I still feel the resin ones won detail wise when it comes to the wall faces, but the tops looks better.

Thicker than the old book, great art.

Cracking book and game. Looking forward to keeping the peace!!

1 comment:

  1. The box tray isn't printed on the interior to use for a scenario like the 2017 box was, is it?
