
Saturday 17 May 2014

New Models, Gal Vorbak, Vulkan and Imperial Army!

The Battle Bunnies are at the Horus Heresy Weekender and are sitting in the preview of the new Horus Heresy Models. 

Salamander Contemptor

Stunning Gal Vorbak

A new Beautiful Imperial Army role. 

Great Mechanicum units. 

Primarch Vulkan - and he is finished!!!
We may see him in person tomorrow too. 

Drake Seta


  1. I must say the Gal Vorbak are looking amazing, even better than what I had in head. And I can't remember where, in a book or something like that, I saw the same kind of design for the transport of the Mechanicum

    1. You should have heard the screaming at Gal Vorbak.

  2. Sorry guys. Photo quality will be updated shortly.

  3. Any idea if Sedition's Gate will ever be released to the public?

  4. Vulkan, in PERSON? l'd be more than a little afraid.

  5. Awesome, thanks for all the great coverage!

  6. Thank you fellas ! You made my day : ) Thats tons of awesome stuff. I cant believe Forge World has such a constant level of quality output.

  7. Thanks guys. Been a great weekend, glad we could help out. Some great new models coming out and I am loving Mortarion and Vulkan. New book sounds interesting as well, new campaigns with solar auxilia sounds good. Just a little more to go so should be able to cram a bit more in as well!
