
Thursday, 20 November 2014

More Solar Auxilia WIP

So tonight at bunny HQ we began fully constructing our Auxilia bodies. They are coming together very nicely for us now, not far off at all now for this squad. Coming together very nicely. With the guns we completed last week we have near enough got the clearance to send the boys to battle!!

Here are a few pics to show our endeavours:

Hope you enjoy how these guys look, should have them completed in the next couple of sessions.

Stay locked in from more from us :)

Darko Thane


  1. Basecoat colours almost finished. Looking forward to the weathering and detail stages with them. Loving the scheme now.
    We are aiming at getting the Solar Auxilia on the tabletop as soon as Conquest arrives, so come back and see us next week.

  2. Looks good but my scheme is way better :P

    1. Lol. Haven't seen you around for a while?! Please share some pics and a painting guide on Facebook and I will throw them up for you!


    I'll do a guide and pics and post it here, sadly don't use Facebook. Been busy with work but you guys keep me going

    1. Very nice. I was tempted by that scheme too. We had a vote on our FB page for scheme to use out of the original 40 and surprisingly most people chose the silver one we are attempting which is the reason we chose it. Looking forward to seeing them at the end when fully weathered highlighted etc.

  4. Depending on the amount of weathering, the colors and look can change drastically. It's hard to say "this scheme is better or not" when you haven't seen the majority of the look. I know when I plan on weather/glazing, I totally exaggerate all my highlights and tones, because I know they'll get dropped back later.

    That being said, progress looks good so far, love these updates!
