
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Pre-Heresy Night Lords: Wash that Resin!

So my VIII Legion project is underway. I have decided to get everything to the same standard before I continue; to the midnight blue stage. So I have trimmed up 40 legs so far and still have 25 to go. 

Here is my Fairy power sprayed boxes of warm soapy resin. 

Going to be a fun journey. Follow us on Facebook. 


  1. I can't even comprehend how much money is in those bins. Four figures of monies? I should shut up...someone could say the same thing about my 255 steam games!

  2. I wonder what marines in those tubs, I'm a tad envious ;)

    1. 30 Terror Squad Legionnaires, 10 Tact Support, 10 Assault, 10 Destroyers, 10 Night Raptors, Weapons. Also a small tub out of pic has a 5 man Recon Squad.
      Good times.

  3. Can't wait to see how these develop!

  4. What do use to wash the resin? & process?

    1. Put all in bowl. Spray with fairy power spray (also strips paint too it's that good). Add relatively hot water after 3 mins. Let to sweat. Scrub with medium toothbrush.
      When cold add more hot water. After 2 more heat top ups drain and add more hot water. Place on washing up clothe.
