
Thursday, 27 November 2014

Solar Auxilia Lasrifle section complete!! Full scheme included

The group have finished one Auxilary tonight so the guide can be finished. So in total:

Firstly we sprayed the models with Chaos Black spray for our undercoat. We then did a drybrush of Ironbreaker to the metals

Next for the fatigues we used Mephiston Red. We wanted to use a lighter coloured red but not too over the top bright and we are happy with these results

Our next stage was the padding. For this we used a coat of Averland Sunset.

We wanted to go for the classic brown boot colour and we went for for Gorthor Brown. We are very happy with the contrast to the rest of the armour

The respirator sack was painted with steel legion drab. The emblem on the chests were painted with shining gold.

To start off the guns they were given a drybrush basecoat of warplock bronze and then a coat of runelord brass. For the metal we used leadbelcher. For the gloves on the guns we used gorthor brown.

The metal bits were then given a wash of Nuln oil and left to dry.

The fatigues, yellow padding, air tank, gloves, boots, gold and bronze work were then given a wash
of Agrax Earthshade.

The dagger was painted Leadbelcher with an edging of Ironbreaker before a light wash of Nuln oil.

The hilt was painted Warplock with a later of Balthasar gold following up, followed up with a light drybrush of shining gold. The grip was done with Karak stone.

With the metalwork dry we then sponged Ironbreaker to give it a chipped and worn appearance.

The boom charge was done Balthasar gold and washed with Agrax Earthshade.

The eyes were done with 2-3 coats of blood for the blood God (nice red and glossy) followed by a pinprick of white in bottom left corner.

The Base was done as we do all our bases: Dryad Bark base, heavy drybrush of Gothgor brown, medium drybrush of Baneblade brown followed by Karak Stone.

We are very happy with how nice and easy this scheme was and how close to the source artwork it actually was too.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook. Hopefully we will have a larger amount finished next Thursday. Come back and see us then!

Darko Thane


  1. Can't wait to get to the tanks now! Has been fun so far on this project, and really happy with the end result of this little fellow.

  2. I am really happy with the SA. Been fun working on a group project too :)
    Be interesting to see how they perform :)

  3. Yea I have also had a lot of fun working on these. Can not wait to see all the guys completed :-)

  4. Great work guys. I like the yellow and red contrast; reminds me of Empire infantry!
