
Monday, 29 December 2014

New Dreadnought on the way!!

So I was rolling around Forge World doing some snooping and some shopping when I came across the hidden release of their new blog and something very interesting was lurking inside, the blog now shows on emails if you are subscribed. Behold the new Dreadnought class they mentioned:

It’s been a while but, after the hectic pace of the Forge World office over Christmas, I’m finally able to bring you another bulletin to keep you up to date with what’s going on behind the Forge World Studio doors. I spied something pretty awesome the other day and managed to get a quick picture. Looks to me like a new class of Dreadnought. What do you think? Take a look... 

Now I am not so sure about this but I think it's because I'm so used to the Contemptor class and as Forge World like giving out snippets I would like to see it in full view. If you want to check it out for yourself head on to the Forge World website and check out the blogs on there.

Hope I've added some wonder

Darko Thane


  1. Wow. Looks like a Mech Warrior Mad Cat. I'm not sure either just yet. Doesn't look like a Chicken Walker, legs just like a normal Contemptor.
    Looks like it may have 2 Twin Linked Autocannons (maybe accelerator autocannons?). The missile launcher looks like a new type too.
    My Iron Warriors will be getting one :)

    1. Think that's a Hyperios missile Launcher actually. Proper mobile fire-base

  2. Wow. Really don't like it. Reminds me of the one from space crusade.

  3. It's a new Dreadnought, so it absolutely must be in my Dreadnought collection.

    1. Lol. I remember those old Space Crusade Dreadnought and Advanced Dreadnoughts. Could this be a re-hash of this design, or is it based on another in the Rogue Trader era?

  4. Armored Core FTW!!!
    Can't wait to add two of these beasts to my Imperial Fists and Night Lords armies! *_*

  5. I quite like the look of it as is, I would like to see it next to a Contemptor and Thanatar in the future.

    1. It is smaller than the Contemptor if I recall what Tony C said at the Seminar.

  6. Really not a fan. And I was really excited when I heard we were getting a new dread. I was hoping for something like a knight with an astartes twist.

    1. I would be happy for something akin to that. Maybe called a Juggernaught? Heresy only, extremely rare, but hey I guess the Legions get Knight allies for a reason.

    2. Yeah, I just thought a knight like machine with a space marine at the helm would be three times as insane, plus also fluffy and cool. What we're seeing looks more like a mechwarrior rip off and more at home in 40k, where the only future is cheese with extra cheese on top.

    3. Lol. Yes 40k's Grim Dark has got a lot more light and Cheesy recently. I'm just happy that 30k isn't aimed at Children.

  7. Love it already.

    Can't wait to add a few to my Iron Hands.

  8. It looks like another anti aircraft. Could it be a dedicated Mortis model?
