
Thursday, 8 January 2015

Emperor's Children Breacher Squad

Hey bunnies

I hope you are well. I'm showing my Emperor's Children Breachers with you all today and I hope you like them.

I went with the wings from GWs Sanguinary guard as shields and I am really happy at how they fit. The breachers are a nice unit and I have really been looking forward to getting them done. Here are the pics:

So what do you think? Please comment below or follow us on Facebook where you can message us too!

Thanks for looking



  1. The wings add a really nice unique touch. Very clever idea, and they turned out really nice!

  2. The metallic armor is fantastic, looks just like the Betrayal pictures :o Any word on the how-to article ?

    1. I will be publishing it soon on my Fulgrim conversion. Here it is though in basic form :)
      1. Spray model black (I use GW spray)
      2. Spray model a light metal colour all over. I used Army Painter Chainmail but the quality is very poor, especially on detail. For Fulgrim I will be airbrushing a Vallejo equivalent.
      3. Make up a purple wash (needs to be enough for an entire army so is best to do in bulk for consistency. I did my entire army with 10 pots of Druchii Violet mixed with 1 pot of Guilliman Blue glaze (makes it slightly less pink.
      4. Airbrush a nice even coat of the wash and let dry
      5. Second coat of the wash.
      6. Apply wash by hand to go into gaps (dont let it pool on armour surface).
      Its a really simple scheme. It can be done without the airbrush, just use lahmian medium to water it down or it gets a lil intense. Big tip: wait for each coat to dry thoroughly as the colour can seem dull one minute and then become really vivid. You want a happy medium :)
      Hope this helps. If you want anymore advice please ask.

    2. Thats great, thankyou :) I look forward to trying it out :D

  3. They look great, what a simple but effective idea....good job!

  4. Beautiful as always. What Infantry unit are you doing next?

    1. None for now. Moving to Luna Wolves currently lol

  5. That's awesome, and incredibly fluffy!

  6. I did the same! They look great!
