
Monday, 26 January 2015


Hi all. 

The Bulletin has given us some lovely new shiny models to look forward to. Here we have 2 new Legion Centurions. 

I personally will be getting 2 of the top one for my Iron Warriors and Death Guard and 2 of the bottom one for my Iron Warriors and Night Lords (a few tweeks maybe for the IV Legion). 

What do you think? I personally want Forge World to release more of the like as general releases, maybe even a monthly release of a single famous Knight Errant from the Horus Heresy Stories. 

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook. 

Drake Seta


  1. Love the pose on the IV guy. All he needs is skulls with bat wings and I'd be damn happy.

  2. I am really impressed with the Power Fist one. Was looking for a model to base Holgoarg on (Death Guard Captain from Card game and one of only 7 Captains in the Legion). This chap ticks almost every box. Just have to change fist for Lokens' or Ragnar's Chainsword.

  3. Agree, powerfist guy looks great. Love the pose and his face.

  4. I love both models. Super impressed with the face on the Alpha Legion. Wish these events weren't across the pond or too far from me, other wise I'd snag these up in two weeks ;)

  5. I will personally be getting both, but I think I prefer that Alpha Legion Centurion a bit more!.

  6. Loving both these guys. Shame I'm not going to be able to go to any events this year to get my hands on them, due to working overseas just now.

  7. They both look really kl. Just wish there were for one of the legions I am doing lol. I'm not very good at seeing conversion opportunities, but I'll ask you guys. Do you think ether one of these could be used for ones of the legions I am doing? I am currently doing Word bearers and will be moving onto Imperial Fists very soon.

    1. I plan on converting the iron warriors for my fists for sure! Besides, I'm sure imperial fists are going to be shown a lot of love come HH weekender ;)

    2. Yup. Pollux definitely, same as Sevatar. I think we will see Dorn, but he may not be released sadly :(
